The Roommate Disaster - Thirteen

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The Roommate Disaster - Thirteen

"You seem distant. Is something wrong?" Drake asks. We are on our way to this place where he said his surprise is.

I sigh. "I'm okay. Maybe I'm just tired," I partly lie. I can't tell him I'm thinking of someone else. In the first place, why am I in this kind of position anyway? I'm, like, leading these guys when I can't admit to neither one of them if I like them.

"Do you want to go back? I mean, I can show it to you some other time." He looks worried. I have to change my mood.

I smile at him, touching his hand. He smiles back. He likes the gesture. "It's all good. Just drive to where we're going."

He doesn't ask anything after that. Once in a while, he takes glances toward my direction. He reaches for my hand and interlocks it into his and kisses it. The gestures are nice. I might get used to it which is one thing I shouldn't be. After all, this is his last week here before going to San Francisco for his college.

We arrive somewhere near my old high school. He parks near a tree and climb out right away. He opens my door for me and pulls me out as well. When outside, I gasp with the view I see.

There's lettering on the ground. I can see my name spelled on it. I start to walk around and read what is written. I know Drake by name before. I see him with all his friends. I assume he's not the nice type. But then he comes to me and asks if I can spend his last week here with him. Now that I've come to know more things about Drake, I'm not so sure if I want to know much more than that.

There, written on the ground, says, "Let's continue being friends when this week ends."

I look up at him. He is smiling, almost shy. I smile back and turn my gaze back to the lettering. That means he wants to continue talking to me even if we're far from each other. College is a different chapter in our life. We're starting anew. We're on a new journey. Do I want Drake to be part of that journey?

"I hope you say yes to that," he says then.

I read the words over and over again. He only means friends. I think I can live with that. There's no harm in being friends with someone who's living so far away. I'm sure as well that I won't develop any feelings for him. But... am I really sure?

I can't believe I'm doubting my feelings. I like Tristan, that is for sure. In fact, kissing him today is the highlight of my summer. But with Drake around, I tend to forget that there's another guy who is just almost an hour away from us. I am making my own complications.

"Billie?" The voice is so close I jump out of my place a little. I turn to Drake and he's just feet away. "So?"

What is he asking? I'm not listening at all.

"Sure," is what I say, referring to his statement if we can still be friends after this week.

He grins at me and I know with that smile, I answer the wrong thing. He runs to me and carry me up, twirling me around. I protest and punch him on the shoulder, telling him to put me down. I don't know why he suddenly becomes this happy when all I said is sure.

He puts me down, the smile not leaving his face. "You don't know how happy I am right now," he tells me.

I'm about to ask him why is he so happy but then his lips beat me to it.

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