The Roommate Disaster - Nine

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The Roommate Disaster - Nine

Tristan shows up at eight in the morning with another fruit basket. I don't know what's up with him but I'm sure that I don't like him visiting me with fruits. It feels like I'm sick and he has to bring me all those foods so I can regain my energy right away. After I finish my breakfast, I head out and do my morning run.

Sadie texted me at around three thirty am, saying that she'd be home by midnight tonight so I'm expecting her to show up in my house tomorrow morning. She doesn't cook her own food so I'll know she'll be here in the morning.

"Morning, Bil," Drake, the guy who lives five houses from mine, greets loud enough that I can hear it through the loud music. I wave a hand to him before passing by. We're not friends and definitely don't talk to each other. I wonder what's with the change of mind now.

My music is on full volume and when I feel a hand stops me, I jump slightly.

"What the-"

"Hey." It's Drake again.

I pull my hand away. "What do you want?"

He smiles. I'm actually stunned. His features are complimenting each one of them. This is the first time I get to see and talk to him up close. He shrugs and a little dimple appears on his left cheek.

"I've been seeing you every morning," he says. His aura is full of confidence. "I thought of introducing myself."

I want to say I know who you are. We've been attending the same school. You're playing basketball. But I don't say it. Instead I focus on these words, "Well," I look at my time, "I still have time for introductions. I'm-"

"You're Billie," he finishes for me. "I know who you are. Like I said, I've been seeing you and we've attended the same school. I, at least, want to introduce myself to you. You don't seem like the type of a person who befriends with people you don't know and talk to."

I am speechless. What else should I say? He takes the words out of my mouth.

"I'm Drake Johnson, by the way." He extends a hand for me to shake. I take it and he says, "I'd like to get to know you more, Billie Hart."

I open my mouth to say something but a loud ring startles me. I take off my earphone and look at my phone. Sadie is calling me.

"Billie?" Drake peeks at me. "Are you busy today?"

I look at my phone then back to him. "Today?" I ask.

"Yeah. Are you?"

"I-uh..." I look at my phone again. It's still ringing. Sadie won't like that I'm taking so long in answering her calls. "I'll just take this."

I turn my back on him and slide to answer. Right away, Sadie's voice booms on the other end.

"Kindly explain what took you so long?" she asks, her voice so high I have to move the phone out of my ear.

"I'm sorry. I'm just caught up with something," I say in a whisper.

"Don't tell me it's Tristan again," she hisses.

"No. Someone else." I look back at Drake and he is still there, smiling at me. I smile as well and turn my back on him again. "Drake Johnson is talking to me."

The Roommate DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now