Chapter Two

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"Thank you BVB Army!" I yelled out over the crowd. We bowed and walked off of the stage, Ashley rushing off with Jake as Jinxx, CC and I watched.

"Something's not right there." CC told us.

"We know." Jinxx nodded: "Me and Andy were saying the very same thing earlier. And we were also saying that something has to be done."

"...You can't hurt Ashley." CC hissed at us, his eyes flashing gold. The colour warned us CC's aggressive side was not too far away - not that we expected any different, considering he and Ashley were close friends.

Although personally I was offended he would think I would hurt Ashley - he was a close friend of mine too, not just CC's. "Of course not, CC!" I exclaimed: "We'd never, ever hurt Ashley. He's out brother. But we need to talk to him, see what we can do for him. Because there is definitely with him at the moment."

"I agree." CC nodded: "Tonight?"

"Better sooner than later." Jinxx shrugged: "We've ignored it for weeks, and it hasn't exactly gotten any better. So it's best if we address it now."

We walked out the bus, the light of the full moon spilling over us as we crossed the parking lot.

The bus was parked a little way away tonight, this venue having an odd layout. It was on the edge of town, strangely, and the parking lot for staff and bands basically backed onto a forest. No fans could get back there, because it was all fenced off, but it was badly lit and I was almost regretting it.

Because of the poor lighting, I noticed it was the full moon tonight. Because I noticed it was the full moon, I saw the transformation occur. Because I saw the transformation occur...I knew exactly what kind of creature my best friend was.

Not human. Not any creature of 'darkness'. A Werewolf.

A fucking Werewolf!

Golden-yellow eyes glinted at us in the face of the half-wolf-half-man beast, Ashley's turning into his most primal form. And angry.

"CC. Jinxx. I'm going to distract soon as you have a clear path, use it." I ordered.

"Andy - " Jinxx tried, but I hissed at him.

"Just do it." I snapped: "Ready? Go!"

I rushed left, drawing the monster's attention. He lunged after me - of course he did. Vampires and Werewolves were natural enemies, we'd been at war for centuries. And because he was a predator, and I was 'running away'...he naturally gave chase.

Jumping the fence easily, I used my Vampire Speed to run deep into the woods. For what I was about to do...I needed no witnesses.

Finding a good clearing to stop, I whirled on my heel, coming to a stand-still. Ashley...Ashley's Beast...whatever he was right now, he ran right into my arms. I gripped him in a bear hug, turning again, flipping him and slamming him into the ground.

I pinned him, but only momentarily.

He bucked and twisted, throwing me off. I skidded a few metres, but dug my claws into the dirt and remained in a crouch, glaring back at Ashley. He was growling at me, salivating at the thought of my blood.

I hissed back, bearing my fangs. Probably wasn't the best thing to do to act as an aggressor...but I needed Ashley to run at me again. Once again he rushed me, and once again I grabbed him in a tight bear hug. This time I slammed him into a tree (careful to stun but not to injure him) and then back against the ground.

Ashley's snapped and snarled, but I braced my forearm on his throat, my other arm wrapped around his chest and arms: keeping him still...sort of. But he was subdued all the same.

"Ashley." I said calmly "Ashley, don't fight me."

He growled...but the noise he was making wasn't was purring.

And he wasn't fighting me...he was...grinding against me.

Shock filled my veins it his actions. This was certainly not normal behaviour for a Werewolf, even a Werewolf in Heat (although if male Werewolves even experienced being in Heat I didn't know) would try and tear my throat out before they would try to have sex with me.

"Ashley?" I asked, pulling away in shock slightly.

He followed me up - not aggressively, though; he was nuzzling at my shoulders and cheeks, being prevented access to my neck since I didn't trust him not to rip it out at this moment, and whining slightly before he purred: "Mate. Mate Mate Mate."

I drew back again in shock. Mates? No, it wasn't possible Werewolves did not have Vampires as Mates: they just didn't. Besides, I'd know if we were Mates - Vampires felt the pull just as much as Werewolves did.

So what was this?

"Ashley, I'm so sorry." I told him sincerely, before I shifted my grip into a strangle hold. After a few seconds he slumped into unconsciousness, his body shifting back into it's human form. Gently I picked him up, cradling him close to my chest as I made it back to the bus, seeing Jinxx and CC waiting for my anxiously: "Guys...we have a situation."

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