Chapter Twelve

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A/N: Last chapter, sort of an epilogue. And quite short. Please read the author's note in the next part.




A few hours later I lay in bed with Ashley, junk food wrappers and fast food cartons scattered around us, watching films we rented on t.v.. I had never been one for cuddling, but now: with Ashley's head tucked under my chin, his hair tickling my neck, I knew I would never forget this perfect moment.

Yes, it made me feel like somewhat of a romantic (and a sap) but...I couldn't bring myself to care. Not when I had Ashley's face buried in my chest.

"I know we've said it a lot...but I do love you, Andy." he said solemnly: "Not just because you're my Mate. You're so brave and strong. I remember hearing all these stories about you before we met: of this giant of a teenager with a mane of back hair and an attitude that rivalled a Norse god or something." he chuckled: "I was kind of obsessed with those rumours. That's why I tried out for Black Veil Brides. That, and I wanted to steal your band members." he looked up and winked, before saying seriously: "I'm glad that didn't happen."

"I am, too; I don't know what I would have done without you in my life." I admitted: "Even when I didn't know we were Mates. I mean, just take the time I broke my ribs: you and my mom looked after me for like a month. All while you were still playing shows.  And then after I could get up and about: you always made sure I took my pain-killers, that I got enough rest...that I healed." I paused to kiss him sweetly: "Without you, and all the little things you do to brighten my day...hell, my life...I'm not sure what I'd do."

We slid down in the sheets, cuddling together.

Neither of us were overly emotional. A conversation like that was one we might not have again or a while. So I was going to bask in the glow of Ashley's admissions, just as I know he was doing: committing my words to memory. Not that I would ever forget any moment with my Ashley.

Every moment with his was precious.

He was my everything now. And I was more than happy with that.

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