Chapter Ten

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A/N: Smut warning. This chapter is basically PWP - and bad smut too. I need to get better at writing this stuff.



Safely ensconced in out hotel room, I sat on the marble counter as Andy sunk slowly into a hot bath. He was covered in dried blood, lacerations and burns - although they looked months old rather than hours - and he didn't want to stand for a shower.

I watched carefully for any signs he was in pain, but he was totally relaxed once he was under the water, his eyes closing peacefully.

He looked so beautiful. An Angel carved in sinfully perfect marble, his dark tattoos and raven hair contrasting stunningly against his skin and his coal black lashes casting shadows over his sharp cheekbones. I couldn't help but smile as I watched over him. Andy was mine.

My Mate. My lover. My friend.

He was mine and he was safe and happy. I couldn't be more content.

"I can feel you staring." he murmured softly, not opening his eyes as he barely interrupted the silence of the room.

I just smiled, replying equally softly: "You're worth staring at."

One bright blue eye slitted open, amusement glinting in the low golden light of the room: "You're not half-bad yourself. Although you'd look better if you were in here with me."

I didn't need to be told twice. I stripped and stepped into the water with him, feeling him kiss my thigh as I turned to be able to sit down, then peppering my skin with feather-light kisses once I was settled between his thighs.

I tilted my head back against his shoulder, giving him room to kiss up my neck, nipping and grazing his fangs over the skin playfully.

His hands slid slowly down my stomach, down to my crotch, stroking my already hard member. I moaned louder, bucking my hips into his hand, sending water splashing over the edge of the tub. Andy just laughed, moving his hand away teasingly, trailing it over my hip and round behind me.

I moaned, feeling one finger press slowly inside of me. It hurt, making me tense around him as he murmured soothingly and pressed kisses to the base of my jaw. He pushed deeper, and I felt his finger brush against a spot inside of me that made me buck my hips, moaning loudly.

Andy chuckled before adding a second finger, making a gasp escape my throat. I whimpered and pushed myself back onto his fingers needilly, a low keening noise escape my chest. I needed more. He scissored his fingers before adding a third, my body starting to shake as I ground back against his hand, trying to get him to brush that spot again.

He removed his fingers before he did, making me whine, but soon he was pushing into me, torturously pushing into my an inch at a time.

Needing him, I lifted myself up before slamming myself down on his dick. The pain made me feel like I was being torn in half, but the pleasure from his head slamming head-on into my prostate was what made me throw my head back, screaming.

Andy let out a wordless shout, his hands clenching and unclenching on my hips as he forced himself to give me time to adjust. I whimpered, grinding myself against him, desperate for something to get me off.


"Andy!" I pleaded: "Andy please! Move!"


Slowly, he pulled my off of him, then guided me back down, his thrusts shallow and quick, fucking my gently as I got louder and louder, pleading for faster, harder, deeper.

Suddenly he shifted, doing something I didn't even know what with his hips. I screamed as again he hit my spot dead-on, then doing it again and again as he fucked me hard, sending water spilling over the floor. I couldn't stop screaming, feeling Andy reach round to start stroking me in time with his thrusts, jerking me off.

I felt my climax coming, screaming to warn Andy. He growled and jerked me of faster, his hips speeding up until we came at the same time, the feel of his cum spilling over my spot forcing me over the edge with another scream.

We rode out our orgasms, Andy slumping back in the water with a sated sigh before picking me up, carrying me bridal style over to the bed, not bothering with towels.

Cuddling beneath the sheets, I nuzzled closer to him, enjoying the way he tightened his hold on me as I did so.

"I love you, Andy." I whispered.

"I love you too." he whispered back, kissing my hair: "More than I can ever scream."






A/N: I'm so, so sorry...I couldn't resist it. No more song lyrics I swear!

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