Chapter Nine

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A/N: Really short chapter. Sorry!




"May saviour, huh?" I asked the blonde female: "So how are you getting us out of here then, of mystical saviour?"

"Without killing her." she jabbed a finger towards the ceiling, so I was presuming she meant Juliet: "I have been informed there is to be no murder tonight." she turned to Ashley: "How does the Light Fae do this? It's fucking difficult."

"Don't ask me. I'm fine with you killing her."

"Could always say it was an accident. Or self-defence." the blonde mused, scratching her chin thoughtfully: "Eh. He wants no murder, he'll get no murder. I'll show him who 'can't deny their baser instincts'." she sneered.

I looked to Ashley, confused, but he just shook his head, mouthing that he'd explain later before saying properly: "So where does that leave me and Andy?"

"Oh, you're going out the front door." she replied casually: "I'll be right out after you. Juliet's Magick isn't pure - it needs to be purged. Then she needs some new memories. And a push in a certain direction. Ten minutes, tops." she shrugged, turning and walking up the stairs: blowing the locked door open with a flick of her wrist: "Well come on, boys. Chop chop."

We followed, Ashley pulling me straight out the front door. I didn't see what happened to Juliet, but whatever the female did it didn't sound like there was a struggle in there. No screams, no flashes of Magick, no-one even raised their voice.

It was slightly creepy.

Five minutes later and the female returned, a glass orb, filled with glowing burgundy smoke and glittering crimson sparks. She stared at it for a few seconds, the smoke going black and then thinning out, the sparks fading, until the glass orb was empty. A click of her fingers and it was gone, and she looked up to us with a bright smile.

Taking one of our arms in each of hers, she lead us down the path, chatting cheerfully. As soon as we were out of any human's sight, she teleported us back to the bus.

I was instantly engulfed by one of CC's bear hugs, and Jinxx wasn't far behind, a small, friendly smile on the Warlock's face. Jake and I did the whole bro hug thing, everyone in the room wearing bright smiled.

They laughed when I called them on it, asking if they'd missed me. They replied that of course we were all happy; they had their lead singer back, same and sound. Slightly bruised up, maybe, but we all knew that with my Vampire healing I'd be fine by morning. Add in that Juliet was out of the picture, thanks to whatever the blonde female did, and you had a great night...I realised I still didn't know her name, and turned to ask her what it was.

But she was gone.

"Uh, guys...the blonde woman?" I asked.

They all looked around, Jake paling slightly and bolting out of the room, looking concerned. Ashley looked confused: "I thought..."

"No." Jinxx shook his head: "He's been worried non-stop since you left. About you, and he said about being involved in a murder, but really..."

"Oh." Ashley said, as if something had just clicked for him.

I wish it had for me.

Unfortunately, though, I was left in the dark. And I was starting to wonder if maybe it was better that way. Certainly for my sanity it might be: so I decided to just...let it go. Ignore it all. Focus on the fact that, if I remembered correctly: we were in a hotel room tonight. I got to be in a hotel room with my Ashley.

Thank. God.

I was going to have fun tonight.

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