Chapter Six

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As soon as I realised what had truly happened, I fell to my knees. I felt like there was a hole burning it's way through my chest. Fear following the flames, stinging like acid.

She'd taken Andy. She'd taken Andy. She'd taken Andy.

"Ashley!" Jake snapped at me: "Pull yourself together! We need to get our asses in gear and get Andy back."

"I c-c-can't! I-I-I c-can't!" I sobbed, shaking and rocking back and forth on my knees.

Andy was gone. Andy was gone. Andy was gone.

I'd lost him! Tears streamed down my face, sobs racking my body as I panicked over what could happen to him.

He was helpless to Juliet. What if she turned him against me - lied and made him hate me?

Or worse, what if she hurt him - or tortured him...or even killed him. What in hell would I do then? Mateless because I wasn't couldn't be strong enough to look after who was mine. It would kill me inside, knowing he died because I was weak

I couldn't let that happen!

I couldn't let Andy die!

Terror filled my veins at the kaleidoscope of horrors that lay in my future. Mateless, unloved...after having a taste of a relationship with Andy, the fact it been taken away from me was tearing my heart in two.


A sharp pain stung my cheek, the sound of skin impacting on skin filling the room: "Ashley!" Jinxx snapped: "Get it together! We need you to get Andy back."

I breathed in and out deeply, calming down slightly: "You're right. You're right. We need to focus o n getting Andy back from that bitch."

"And that, gentlemen, is why I am here."

We looked back to see a short woman lounging on our couch, smiling up at us lazily.

Dressed head-to-toe in black: black leather stiletto boots, black skinny jeans so tight they looked painted on an a plain black t-shirt under her leather jacket, she looked non-descripted in a completely stunning way, as nonsensical as that was. Especially with her blonde corkscrew curls framing her cobalt blue eyes, set in her perfectly made-up face, all smoky eyes and red lips.

"A Mystic." Jinxx breathed.

"As charged." the female agreed: "But I prefer Aislinn over just 'a Mystic', thanks."

"...How did you get here?" Jake growled, stepping closer to her.

Aislinn arched an eyebrow at him: "We're like genies; you need us and we appear. But if you continue to try and threaten me I'll remove myself from the situation...along with some of your limbs."

Jake backed down.


Her tone implied that this was not a woman to be messed with. The same with the hard look in her eyes.

The Mystic turned to me with a smile. For a Demon-blooded creature, she was quite...beautiful. I would expect her to be grotesque, evil-looking. But she looked more like the Angels her race had been credited to destroying more anything else.

"Besides, you've known one of us for years, so really you shouldn't be so anti-Mystic." she shook her head condescendingly.

"What do you mean?" CC asked.

Aislinn turned to look at Jinxx. "Me?" Jinxx asked incredulously. "I'm a Warlock! Both my parents were Warlocks!"

"But your grandparents?"

"Well if both my parents were Warlocks, all of them must be..."

"Three were." Aislinn said sombrely: "You're a quarter Mystic blood. That doesn't matter though - our blood is always dominant. If you're a bit Mystic you're all Mystic." she looked a little sad: "Sorry to tell you - but it's better to find out from someone who isn't hostile than someone who is."

"You're lying." Jinxx breathed softly, his face agonised. No-one wanted to believe they were a member of one of the hated races on the planet.

Aislinn looked apologetic, but didn't say anything else. And we didn't mention it any more.

Even if what she said was true - and I wasn't saying it was or it wasn't - it didn't matter. Not to us. If my and Andy could get over the hatred between our races (and that was more intense than what most people felt for Mystics; the casualties of that war higher for both sides than our battles with the Mystics), then would could get over the hatred for Mystics.

Besides, he was our brother: our bandmate: our friend. We could never, under any circumstances, ever hate our Mama Jinxx.

"So, how do you propose we help Andy?" CC finally asked, watching Aislinn with distrust.

"Depends. How opposed are you to murder?" she asked casually.

"Very!" Jake exclaimed, like it was totally obvious. I guessed for most people it was - although I wouldn't mind ripping a certain bitch's throat out right now and watching her bleed and choke to death.

"I have to ask." Aislinn shrugged: "I forgot the Light Fae were so morally upstanding. Sorry."

Jake sneered at her completely unapologetic tone but carried on the conversation anyway: "No deaths. We're better than that."

"You might be." Jinxx replied darkly: "If that whore has hurt Andy, I'll kill her myself. No matter what it takes."

"Now, that's the spirit." the Mystic grinned, and I wondered offhandedly if what she'd said about Jinxx being a Mystic was true. I let the thoughts go as soon as I heard her next words: "So, how to kill a Mage and retrieve a Vampire."

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