Chapter Five

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Andy picked me up bridal style (after making sure I was decently covered) before walking out to the main room of the bus. The guys were all waiting for us curiously, although Jinxx looked a little...smug. I soon found out why:


"So, did you two need to sound-proofing spell, Andy?" he asked, his eyes glinting playfully as they scanned over mine and Andy's faces: "Sure looks like you did."

"Shut up, Warlock." Andy rolled his eyes just as playfully: "Or make yourself useful" he teased before he abruptly sobered: "What's more powerful than a Mage?"

"A stronger Mage?" Jinxx suggested, leaning back and tilting his head to look up at the bus's roof in thought.

"No. She is probably one of the strongest Mages around - and we need her gone." Andy denied.

Jinxx thought for a few more seconds before sighing: "There's two possible races that are stronger than Mages. Elementals." he told us: "Not that rare, but they're fucking old for the most part. Jaded and stagnant. I'm not sure if they'd help you, no matter how well you put your case."

"And the other?" I asked.

"Mystics." Jinxx told us grimly.

CC tensed: "They're all dead. The Dark Fae made sure of that."

Jinxx shook his head: "No. Most of them are dead." he corrected: "But they survive. They always fucking survive."

The room was silent.

We all knew the legends. Of beings so powerful they took on the Angels and won.

According to myth, millennia ago Angels and Demons once roamed the Earth. The Demons of course, fucked their way through much of the human and non-human populating while the Angels watched and disapproved. So after a few centuries, the Angels banished the Demons to the Underworld. The Demons' many offspring weren't too happy with that - and so they attacked the Angels.

And they won.

The so-called Mystics, a motely crew of hybrids off all kinds and creeds, destroyed the Angels. No-one had seen any in millennia, although every now and then a Fallen Angel appeared, or one of the Nephilim.

Terrified of their strength, all the races bound together to murder the Mystics. Werewolves and Vampires, Light and Dark Fae, Witches and Warlocks, Nymphs and Imps, Sirens and Merfolk...everyone put their differences aside to fight them. It was a bloody, brutal battle, with losses on all sides, but eventually the Mystics were gone.

Having had the fewest losses, it was agreed that the Dark Fae would finish off the final few. And they thought they had - we all thought they had.

But it seemed Jinxx knew different.

"What do you mean?" Jake asked. As a member of the Light Fae, his race had suffered the most under the Mystics' onslaughts. They were the children of Angels after all, consecrated, the bloodline diluted, but enough so that the Mystics' were always gunning for them.  It was no wonder he sounded upset.

"There or two around." Jinxx said uneasily: "No-one knows where...but it's rumoured that if you need one, they will appear."

Silence filled the air...but then there was a knock at the door. Suddenly the silence became sharp as ice shards, digging into my skin.

Jinxx's Magick flared, filling the room with the scent of snow and blood filling the room. Andy's cold power flooded the room too, pressing against my skin and filling the room like a bitterly chilled wind. Even the powers of the two Fae could be sensed...but soon everything was gone.

Under the crushing weight of someone else's Magick.

The door opened of it's own free will, the sound followed by heels clicking on the floor. Andy put me down lightly on the floor, quickly putting himself in front of me protectively. I wasn't having it, though; I wasn't weak. I could fight this bitch off just as well as the rest of them, and I'd do just that if it protected my brothers and my Mate.

I growled and grew my claws and fangs, knowing my eyes were turning into a glowing yellow-gold as my Wolf rose to the surface.

"Now, now, that's no welcome for your girlfriend, is it Andy?" asked an all-too-familiar voice.


I could see Andy force himself to relax, a fake smile plastering itself over his face: "I'm sorry, Dragonfly. We thought you were someone else." he looked around nervously: "Look, baby, I need you to do my a favour - go into the back room, and lock yourself in. There's just something I need to sort out outside." He was pretending he didn't know what she was - smart. Hopefully it would buy us some time.

Unfortunately it didn't work: "That unfamiliar Magick? Oh, White Rabbit. That's not outside - it's in here - it's me."

"Juliet?" he acted shocked: "Wha...what?"

"I'm a Mage, baby. I couldn't tell you, in case you didn't love me anymore." she pouted, even though her tone was anything but playful: "But that's not an issue now, is it?"

"What do you mean?" Andy asked, his own tone turning darker.

"Because that man-whore!" Juliet shrieked: "That slut has lied to you and taken you away from me! And now..." she laughed manically, her eyes glowing with madness and her hair whipping around her face and in an invisible tornado: "And now I'm going to kill him."

"I won't let you do that Juliet." Andy told her coldly, stepping in front of me again. But she just laughed:

"That's fine." she giggled insanely: "Because I've just had a better idea. I'm not going to kill that mutt." she glared at me hatefully, before turning back to Andy: "You are."


And with that, she and Andy were gone.

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