Chapter Four

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A/N: Smut - yes, already. Because I'm trash.




"Oh my Goddess, she's going to kill me." Ashley breathed, fear taking over his features.

Anger boiled deep in my chest at the absolute terror I felt radiating off of him. Now we were on the subject, I could...feel something.

The Mating urge.

It wasn't as strong as it should be - like it was shrouded in something, but it was there. And when I found out how to make it absolute, I was going to do it a heartbeat - and destroy whatever might have ruined mine and Ash's chance at Mated bliss.

First, though, I was going to have to find out what have scared him so much.

"Who, Ashes? Who's going to try to kill you?"

"...Juliet." he whispered, looking down away from me as if ashamed.

"Juliet?" I laughed: "Ashley, what the fuck? She wouldn't hurt a fly!"

"Oh, and I bet you think she's human too!" he snapped at me, clearly aggravated. Too aggravated for his words to be anything other than the absolute truth.

"What to you mean?"

He shuddered in fear: "Juliet's a Mage. A powerful one. So powerful she can mask what she is - and perform spells such as hiding bonds between others, building others over the top." he paused: "She wanted you, and she got you. No matter who you should belong to."

"Possessive, Ashes?" I purred.

The jealousy behind his eyes was hot. I refused to be concerned that I found it so; he was my Mate - everything he did, everything about him was perfect and fucking sexy.

And my maybe I should have focused on the fact that my girlfriend was an apparently psychotic Mage...but she wasn't here. And Ashley was. So...when left in a room, alone, with my down-right gorgeous Mate...what was I supposed to do? Ignore the opportunity?

Fuck no.

Seeing him pout stubbornly, I leant in and pressed a kiss to his lips. He parted them instantly, allowing my access with a small, seductive moan. My hands rose, one cupping his cheek while the other moved to his waist, pulling him closer to me.

He clambered into my lap, legs winding round my waist. I tangled my hands in his sleek, silky black hair, tugging on it lustfully and messing it up in the process, making him sigh sweetly into my mouth.

I smiled into the kiss, nipping lightly at his lower lip and licking over the sting. I wasn't expecting Ashley to bite back, the sharp sensation dragging a moan from my throat. Grinning ferally, I rolled us over so I was pinning him to the floor of the bus.

"You want to play, darling?" I teased, slowly and lightly grinding my hips against his.

"I want you to play with me." he winked back.

"That can be arranged." I purred, dipping my head down to his neck.

I sucked on his skin, leaving a trail of hickies down the length of his throat onto his collar bone, sucking a bigger bruise into the shape of a love heart just above the frantically beating organ. His hands tangled in my hair, holding my close as his nails dug into my scalp, the jolt of pain going down my spine straight to my cock.

Moaning, I kissed and stroked my hands down his chest, over his belly as he writhed under my stroking hands and lips. I teased him, stroking along the waist band of his black sweatpants, licking up the 'V' of his hips, feeling his hands clench in my hair.

Giving in, I pulled his sweatpants down just enough for his hard cock to spring free. I smiled up at him as I slowly engulfed him in my mouth, sliding my mouth down as I watched his beautiful face suffuse with pleasure: his mouth hanging open in a long, silent moan and his eyes glowing and half-lidded with pure pleasure.

I slid my mouth back up, twirling my tongue around him as I did so, before teasingly sliding my tongue over his slit. I started bobbing my head up and down, taking him a little further in again at a time, making him moan and writhe under my ministrations. 

Smirking around him, proud of the reactions I was getting out of him, I started to moan slightly.

Ashley bucked his hips, clearly getting close to his end, continuing to buck and rotate his hips as I took a deep breath through my nose and deep-throated him, swallowing as his head bumped the back of my throat, moaning louder and louder until Ashley screamed, coming down my throat.

I crawled back up over Ashley, smiling and nuzzling my face into his hair. He was out of breath and sweating slightly, his face all flushed...


"You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." I told him honestly: "In all my years of're the most stunning creature."

He ducked and blushed: "No..." he protested, his voice bashful...and absolutely adorable.

"Yes!" I replied in the same tone, reaching down to give him an eskimo kiss, rubbing my nose against his: "You're so perfect. And I'm so in love with you, my Mate."

"I love you too, Andy," he whispered: "My Mate." 




A/N The Second: I should probably clear up that I have nothing against Juliet Simms. I don't really have any opinion on her at all. But every story needs a villain, so...sorry to any fans of Juliet.

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