Chapter Seven

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"Just love me!" Juliet screamed in my face, spit flying from her mouth and her face twisted and ugly, flushed red with rage.

"No." I bit out against the pain.

I may have only been here for two days, but in that short time I'd learned my girlfriend was a master at torture.

First it had been simple; I'd been tied to a chair in her basement - cliché, but then I couldn't bring myself to care when she started dipping her false nails in acid and started slapping me, always making sure she scratched my skin as she did.

After that had failed to make me renounce Ashley had 'love her', she'd moved on: chaining my to a wall and allowing a Hell Hound to rip at my flesh. I was a Vampire, and she gave me enough blood to heal before setting the beast on me again.

When that didn't work: she gave me blood laced with silver. I threw up, my insides burning as she released my from the wall. I couldn't support my own weight: dropping to my knees and choking up the poisonous blood.

But I still hadn't given in.

So now I was stretched out over a cold metal table, held in place with heavy silver chains for over twenty six hours now, the metal burning into my flesh. Leaving it on much longer would leave permanent scars, but the pain was nothing compared to my worry for Ashley.

Juliet had just returned from making a phone call - one that had taken almost an hour. But before she'd left she'd threatened to take Ashley's life if it made me love her. I hadn't seen her since. Now she was back and she looked far too triumphant for my liking, even though rage contorted her features.

"You will love me, Andrew. No matter what I have to do." she vowed, her hands clenched into fists.

"Never again." I swore.

She screamed, lashing out and catching my jaw with a right hook.

I laughed at her pathetic attempt to cause me pain, her physical strength nothing compared to mine, her blow feeling nothing more than an annoyance. So I just cackled and allowed my eyes to glow crimson at her.


"You think you can hurt me?" I snapped: "There's nothing more than you can do! You've taken my Mate from me! I'll hate you for that forever - I will never love you again."

"You will! You will!" she shrieked like a banshee: "You loved me once, I know you did! So love me now! I'll make you love me!"

"No, Juliet." I told her calmly: "That's not how love works. Ashley and I - we're Mates. We need to love each other. I need his love, and he needs mine. You're not my Mate, Juliet. I'm sorry."

"You're my Kindred." she whispered: "You have to love me."

I slowly shook my head at her sympathetically: "I'm not. I would know if I was your Kindred, Juliet - if I was, I would have felt it. You would have been my Mate, not Ashley. You supressed the bond between he and I, but it's there and it always has been. I may not have recognised it at first, but it's true. Ashley is mine."

"If he's gone - you'll love me. I'll be your Mate!" she shouted: "I just have to get rid of that slut!"

"Juliet - no!" I roared, fighting desperately against my chains as she bolted up the stairs to the rest of the house: "Juliet! I won't let you take him from me! I won't let you hurt him! Juliet!"








Two hours later and I was still struggling. My skin was burning, red and bloody from the chains, but I couldn't stop. Not until I was free of this hell!

Not until Ashley was safe.

Growling and yelling in pain, I bucked and shook, screaming bloody murder but to no avail. I don't know how she had enchanted the chains but they just wouldn't budge. I was trapped.

Fear filled my blood. What if I wasn't in time to save Ashley? What if she hurt him? Juliet might hurt him...torture him...kill him. Just like she swore to do.

I started fighting with renewed desperation. What would I do then, if Ashley was gone? Mateless because I wasn't couldn't be strong enough to escape these bindings and look protect the one who was mine. It would kill, knowing he died because I was weak. I couldn't let that happen!

I couldn't let Ashley die!

But before I could try again to escape, I heard heels clicking down the stairs. And not just one pair - three. Three women.

Looking, I saw Juliet return with a triumphant smile radiating off of her face. Flanking her were two strangers - a female with blonde cork-screw curls, red lips and cobalt eyes made up with perfect smoky make-up.


"It's okay, Andy!" Juliet crowed: "I can't make you love me - but my friend can! And as a bonus, she's going to kill that nasty Werewolf!"

"Juliet, please, I'll do anything - just please don't hurt Ashley!" I begged: "Please, Juliet, please!"

She ignored me: "Aislinn."

The blonde - Aislinn - approached me with the second, black haired female. The Magick coming off Aislinn was like nothing I'd ever felt, and I wondered what she was. It didn't help that I couldn't get any sort of reading off the raven-haired woman.

Her tanned skin glowed in the light of the basement, her entire body seeming to vibrate with tightly contained energy. She seemed agitated, her honey-golden eyes flashing from my burns to Juliet to the blood on the walls. Her discomfort bothered me; I didn't want her to be upset. Something in me reacted violently to the idea of her experiencing anything negative.

"So, Andy." the blonde smiled, her expression sharp and cold: "Let's sort out your problem, shall we?"

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