Chapter Eight

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"So that's your plan?" Jake asked incredulously: "Find Juliet, go into her house and just take Andy?"

"...Yes." Aislinn said, looking at him as if he was stupid: "Did you not understand that the first time round?"

He growled but reigned in his temper - although we could all tell he struggled: "Do you not think that's a bit simplistic?" he bit out.


I had to admit I saw his point.

The plan was rather basic. And considering we'd spent almost two days trying to come up with it, that was rather frustrating. It felt like we'd wasted that time when it could have been used saving Andy.

But that didn't stop it from being the best plan we'd come up with. Despite it's simplicity.

However Jake was aggravated by Aislinn's presence, and the fact his agitation was agitating her so whenever he snapped at her, she snapped right back. They had been bickering on and of for almost the entirety of the time we'd been planning, even more when we stopped planning and ate or slept of used the bathroom. As soon as they weren't doing something useful they were at each other's throats.

It was annoying, but Jinxx, CC and I had long since given up intervening. It was pointless; they weren't going to stop.


"Yes." Aislinn repeated, again like Jake was some sort of idiot: "That's the beauty of it."

"What?!" Jake roared, finally losing his grip on his anger. I was surprised he lasted this long (this time, at least).

"You said no murder!" she roared back: "I can't kill her, so I have to outsmart her! Do you think she'll be expecting that? No! So that's what we're doing!"

Both of them glared at each other in silence, panting and angry.

Finally Jake flew up his hands and stormed off. Jinxx, who had ignored the entire thing, went back to scrying in the black bowl of even blacker water, CC at his side, feeding power to him.

Aislinn rolled her eyes and started muttering enchantments. One by one, weapons formed and she hid them amongst her clothes.

"I'm coming with you." I told her quietly.

"Thought you might say as much." she responded in the same soft tone: "But you're going to do exactly what I tell you. And you're not going to argue with the disguise either, deal?"


"She's blocking me." Jinxx said frustratedly, just as Jake walked back into the room, clearly calmer now: "Even with CC's help...I can't find her."

Aislinn stiffened, her eyes suddenly flooding black, from corner to corner completely midnight black and unseeing: "No need. I've found her."

"How? And why didn't you just do that before?" Jake snapped.

"Because before she didn't need a Mystic." Aislinn snapped back: "Now she does. And now we have our way in."








"So, Andy." Aislinn smiled darkly: "Let's sort out your problem, shall we?"


I watched as Andy, my poor, poor baby, covered in blood and burns struggled even harder against the chains Juliet had him in.


"No! No I won't let you hurt him! Juliet you bitch come here and face me yourself! I'll kill you!" he screamed, face determined and full of rage.

Juliet just laughed at him, though if I had been her I would have been running a million miles in the opposite direction: "No you won't, Andy. Aislinn is going to make you love me...and then together, we will go and kill that disgusting animal that filled your head with lies."

"The only lying animal here is you, you bitch!"

I hid a small smile and Andy's words.

My brave Mate: beaten and bloody, but still fighting. Of course he was; never give in, never back down. They were words he had always held close to his heart. Even when this bitch was trying to steal that heart from me.


But Juliet didn't see to care he was fighting her; she just giggled: "Oh, Andy sweetie. You don't know what you're saying, White Rabbit."

"Honey, you're not going to want to see this." Aislinn said to Juliet, sounding remarkably calm considering she had argued in favour of killing Juliet a few hours ago: "Why don't you let Ashes and I do our work while you go and get Andy a bath ready - he'll need it after this."

"Of course, Aislinn." Juliet simpered, hurrying upstairs to do as she was told.

"Don't touch me, bitch." Andy snapped at Aislinn.

"Now, now, Andrew." she taunted: "That's no way to talk to your rescuers, is it?"


Aislinn clicked her fingers, the enchantment that had made me appear as a female melting away (although I was still wearing the same fucking clothes) and pointing Andy towards me.

He turned, looking confused, until he saw it was me. His beautiful blue eyes lit up, and the pain slipped off of his expression. Another click of Aislinn's fingers and he was free to leap off of the table and wrap me tight in his arms.

I held him right back, but of us clinging to each other like we were the last thing on Earth. I never wanted to let him go, and I know he felt the same. I could feel Andy inhaling the scent of my hair, tightening his embrace quickly before letting go and looking over my shoulder at Aislinn, who was carefully studying her perfectly manicured black nails, ignoring us.

"Who's this?" he asked.

"I, Vampire," Aislinn said, performing a sweeping bow: "am your saviour." 

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