Author's Note

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Shameless self promotion time!

Since I got almost two thousand reads on my last full-length story, 'Kitten', I thought I'd publish this new full-length story. I hope people enjoyed it - and I know all authors say this, but please do vote, follow and comment with any constructive criticism or even anything else you'd like to say (polite way of saying I'm needy and like people telling my they like my work - so do!)

If you did like this book, do go check out 'Kitten', it's a neko Jindy (AndyxJinxx), so what's not to love? and my one-shots - there's something for everyone, go read!

Thank you all so much for reading 'You Want A Fight I'll Bring The War'. I love you all for wasting your time reading my shit - seriously, I put a lot of work into this (probably more than I should) so it's nice that people are enjoying it.


Love you all: thank you for reading:

Hopeless x

You Want A Fight I'll Bring The War - Andley Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now