Chapter Eleven

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A/N: More smut! Yay!




I was kissing Ashley until frantic knocking on the door interrupted us.

I growled angrily at the interruption, climbing off of him and slipping into some black sweatpants so I could answer the door. It was CC (of course) and he looked stunned:


"Andy - need to see this!"

We looked to each other, before Ashley (now in a pair of grey skinny jeans) sighed: "Lead the way, CC."

"This had better be worth it." I grunted.

"Oh, it is." CC promised.

Ashley and I followed him down the hall, to...Jake's room?

CC knocked on the door wildly, Jinxx opening it instantly and pointing to the bed, almost angry, definitely slightly bemused expression on his face. On that bed was...Jake, and the blonde girl.

I wasn't seeing what the big deal was.

However, Ashley was: "Oh my God!"

Jake groaned tiredly, throwing his head back against the headboard: "We are not a circus act!"

"You're a Light Fae! And she's a Mystic!" CC exclaimed: "You're better than a circus act!"

"Oh, fuck off." Jake snapped tiredly.

Jinxx, CC and Ashley cackled, but I just rolled my eyes and glared at CC: "You dragged me away from having sex because you wanted to show me two other people had sex? Are you serious?"

"But they're a Mystic and a Light Fae!" he exclaimed.

"I don't care! I was about to get laid!" I argued.

The Mystic pointed at me: "Him. He's my favourite...after Jake. Now all return to your rooms I will do unspeakable things."

I dragged Ashley out, hearing Jake asking something along the lines of 'do you promise' as the door closed behind us. CC screamed, fleeing the room with Jinxx not far behind. Children. Yes, and just ignore your Mate giggling like an infant beside you, I thought, because what I want to do with him now is in no way childlike.

Pulling him inside the room, I pushed him down on the bed, crawling on top of him and smirking triumphantly.

"You're mine now." I grinned, leaning down to kiss him lightly.

He grinned, kissing him back: "All yours. And you're mine, too."

"Of course." I purred.


I lightly pulled his skinny jeans down, pressing a soft his to a bruise from where my fingers had dug into his hips last night. I looked up, seeing him smiled as I reached around him to push one finger into his ass.

He moaned, tensing up. I didn't move my hand, waiting for him to be more comfortable. Eventually, he started to rock on my hand, so I added a second finger, scissoring them apart before adding a third. Ashely writhed and started to fuck himself down on my hand, moaning like some kind of porn star.

When Ashley was stretched enough, I pulled my fingers out completely, sliding over him and trailing kisses over his body. Reaching his lips: I kissed him properly, our tongues tangling as I lined my dick up with his ass.

Slowly, I slid in, an inch at a time, not stopping till I was buried to the hilt.

Ashley moaned, his face contorted in pain. I froze, thinking he must be sore from last night, and fighting the urge to thrust into his ass until he was screaming my name. But I didn't. I stopped completely still while Ashley grew accustomed to my size.


"Do you want me to...? Should I back off?" I asked, terrified of hurting him.

"No, j-just...gimme a m-m-minute." he moaned: "I'm s-so full, and I-I'm a little sore."

"Baby, I'm sorry." I whispered, kissing his temple apologetically.

I waited until Ashley started to tentatively move on me, then I started to rock my hips in time with his movements, keeping the movements gentle.

"You're so tight, baby." I murmured in his ear: "Oh, you're so hot and tight and perfect...Goddess...I think you're gonna drive me insane you're so sexy.

"Faster! Andy, please, faster!"

"You want it faster?" I growled, my dominant side coming out at the neediness in his voice: "Do you want me to fuck you faster? 'Cos I do. I want to fuck you into this mattress, my love. Until you  all you can scream is my name." I scraped my fangs down his throat, breaking the skin slightly and licking up the blood that pooled on his skin.

"Andy please!" Ashley moaned: "Bite me!"

Unable to resist, I did just that: sinking my fangs into his throat. He screamed, bucking his hips up against me desperately, trying to get himself off. Wanting to help him, I tilted my hips, changing the angle until I hit Ashley's prostate

His moans got louder and louder until suddenly he screamed and came all over our stomachs, his body convulsing and his internal muscles clenching around my dick, sending my right over the edge after him, a hoarse yell accompanying his scream.


"Oh my Goddess," he panted, wrapping his arms around my neck and pulling me down so he could bury his face in my neck: "That was amazing."

"It was." I purred, feeling smug.

I made my boyfriend cum without touching his dick. I had every right to be proud.

Ashley laughed when I told him that: "You're a moron."

"But I'm your moron. Your moron who loves you. So very, very much." I smiled brightly, pecking the end of his nose tenderly.

He smiled: "I love you more than I can ever scream."






A/N: I lied! The cliché song-lyric lives!

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