Chapter Three

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I woke up with a splitting headache.

Quite honestly I felt I was going to die. That wasn't unusual after the full moon...was what unusual was that I had a horrible nightmare about Andy, my Mate, being a Vampire. Who I attacked in a clearing after revealing myself to him, Jinxx and CC.

Thank the Goddess that never happened.

I sat up, groaning, looking around to see that, for some reason I was in the back room of the bus. I got up to let myself out...but the door was locked. What the fuck...?

Suddenly the door opened and an impassive looking Andy stood in the door frame: "You're awake."

"Dude, why the fuck was I locked in here?"

"In case you went wolf and started grinding against me again like you did last night, since you seem to believe I'm your Mate."

Horror flooded through my veins: "...You mean that wasn't a nightmare?"

"Only for me."

This was it.

This was the worst scenario.

This was worse than the worst scenario.

My Mate, my best friend, my band-mate, was a Vampire. The enemy of my entire species. And now he hated me, because I had fucking attacked him in my half-wolf-half-man beast state, then when he had me pinned to the ground I fucking sexually molested him, sort of, certainly I made unwanted advances. Oh Goddess.

He was going to kill me. Worse, he was going to kick me out of the band.

I started to shake and hyperventilate, stumbling back against the wall: clutching my chest and gasping for hair with tears streaking over my cheekbones. Goddess this was the worse thing that could happen: rejected - friendless - hated.

Oh Goddess...

"Ashley, Ashley, breathe." cool hands cupped my cheeks, stroking hair off my face and rubbing my shoulders: "C'mon, Purdy. Pull yourself together."

"E-easy f-f-for you to s-s-say!" I choked out.

Andy sighed: "Yeah, it was, I'm sorry. C'mere, Ash." he pulled me close to his chest, his entire body leant over mine protectively while I cried into his shirt.

"I'm s-sorry." I stuttered after I'd cried myself out, pulling back.

He shifted so he was sitting cross-legged in front of me, smiling reassuringly at me, blue eyes warm and friendly: "It's not your fault Ash. Something's happening here, and we just need to find out what that 'something' is."

"...You don't hate me?"

"Never." he shook his head: "You're one of my best friends. You may be a Werewolf but that's secondary. It's not like a choice you made." he grinned teasingly: "I mean, who would? When you could be a glorious creature of darkness like myself?"

"Shut up, Vamp." I snapped playfully, watching him laugh.

"So...any ideas why you're feeling a Mating urge and I don't feel anything?" he asked.

"Nothing?" I asked quietly, my heart hurting.

Andy sent me an apologetically: "I'm sorry, Ashley, but no - " he paused mid-sentence, suddenly looking deep in thought: "No. That's not true; it can't be. For one reason - I didn't know you were a Werewolf until last night."


"Well, think about it." he said as if explaining something to a small child: "My sense should have told me what you were. Werewolves smell like Werewolves, and you all have this sort of...aura. It warns Vampires off. But you don't have it, at least not to me. Nothing warned me away from you, even though it should have." his eyes glinted: "I think I should be feeling something. I always found you attractive, even though for the most part I'm attracted to women."

"For the most part?" I asked.

"I'm old. I experimented." he shrugged. I blushed at the thought at Andy being...experienced. Goddess knew I wasn't...and the thought of him guiding me, dominating me...fuck. It was hot. And he seemed to know, sending me a flirtatious wink:

"So, why wouldn't I feel a Mating urge? And why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Well, the second one's easy." I shrugged: "You were, like, seventeen. Or at least I thought you were. Too young, considering I'm in my eighties - "

"And still looking fucking hot, Purdy." he flirted.

" - The you had Scout and you were so fucking happy. I was happy for you to be happy - even though it hurt me you were with someone else. Then when you two split you got with..."

I froze up.

This was not territory I should be getting into.

She'd already threatened to kill me on multiple occasions - every fucking time I saw her - and now that the secret was out, now Andy knew we were Mates...


"Oh my Goddess, she's going to kill me."

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