Chapter 4 - Prom Night

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I just got out of shower & ready to blow dry my hair. Tonight's going to be night. Prom then graduation. Yes, I am one step closer to my dreams. The moment I fixed everything, my hair, my makeup, my perfect dress, my shoes I go down & there I see Trev, my main man looking slick & handsome as ever, waiting for me. "Sweet Pea, you look just like me." Dad claims as he walks me down the stairs. "Don't flatter yourself, Richard." Mom says to Dad who's wiping his tears. "Dad, why the hell are you crying?" I hold his hands. "I'm just happy seeing you this beautiful & already grown up. I love you, Sweet Pea." "Don't worry, sir. I will take care of her. I love your daughter; I wouldn't even let a fly touch her." Trev says while tapping dad's shoulder. "You guys! I love you all. But stop being so dramatic! I'm just going to a prom night. Chill." Mom pulls me beside Trev. "All right, picture time. Say cheese!"

"Mom that is so old school."

"Just say "Cheese", Bianca." Together Trev & I says "Cheese". "Let's go?" Trev asks. "One last shot, all right? This time with me, dad & Trev."

"Fine, Mom. Whatever you like." Mom & Dad comes closer to me & Trev & took a shot. "All right. No drinking & driving. You got it?" Dad asks Trev. "Yes, sir. Crystal clear!"

"Awww. Make the most out of it, Bianca!"

"Thanks, Mom!"

We arrive at the school and the moment we got out of the car all of the juniors & seniors stare at us. Trev kisses me, his lips pressed against mine. The feeling is incredible; it feels like the very first time we ever kissed. Faye sees us & walks towards us. "Eeew. I never thought I'd say this but Trevy, you look hot & you, B, you look amazing!" Wow! I never thought I would actually hear this from Faye, for the first time she actually said something nice to Trev. "Thanks Faye." Trev says then gives me a kiss. "Trevy, it's just a lie." Then she does that again & she's back. "Let's get inside, you lovebirds. Before I throw up!"

 And now it's about time to announce who will be the Prom Queen & Kings. Principal Malone walks his way up to the podium holding an envelope which I'm pretty sure is where the results are. "Good evening, ladies & gentlemen of Boston High school year 2012 to 2013." Principal Malone never gets tired of saying the same line over & over & over again. Homecoming, Graduations, Recognition, just every single event that had happen in this school. But, I guess, that's what I would miss when I go to college. All the shitty messed up stuffs in the place, the loud noise at the cafeteria, the football game every Friday night, the bully, the weirdo, the high, the cheerleaders, the evil-jock-porcupine football players, the asswipe teachers & the my stupid classmates. Yes, I will miss them even though they get on my nerves 24/7. I will miss everything. My journey in this school is worth every damn second. "And your Prom King 2013 is...drum rolls please. Your Prom King 2013 is Trevor Bowman!" Trevor hugs me & gives me a kiss then he walks his way to the podium. Principal Malone places the crown on Trevor's head & gives him the microphone. "Hello. Uhm, ouch." The spotlight's all over my babe. I can't believe I'm actually the girlfriend of the hottest eligible varsity in this campus. "Wow! Prom King 2013, that's... That's freaking unbelievable! Wooh! Thank you, guys, for voting me. This is just awesome! You guys are awesome! And Bianca, babe, I love you!" The crowd screams & shouts Trevor's name and some girl are looking at me saying their congratulations. Wow! Is Trev that famous? Am I that lucky? "And the Prom Queen 2013 goes to... Faye Monaghan!" I glance over to my best friend & she gives me a wink. She deserves to be the Prom Queen. I knew, she does. She walks to the podium & Principal Malone places her crown & hands her the mike. "Prom Queen 2013. This night is the best. Let's get the party started!" Trev & Faye walks towards me. "I'm so proud of the both of you! Here, let's take a photo together. 1...2...3," I click the camera. "I love you guys! You're the best." I hug Faye. "Ladies, shall we dance?" Trev asks us. And there we are at the center of the dance floor, shaking our asses off. Enjoying the night as if it is our last act. (Unfortunately, for me, it is.) Faye kisses me on the cheek & embraces me. "I told you, this night is going to be perfect! I love you, B! Always!"

"I love you too, Faye!"

"Hey, Trevy! You're an asshole but my best friend loves you & you make her smile, so... cheers! To the new friendship!" Trev grabs the glass I'm holding & puts it down. "No drinking & driving. Let's just enjoy this night less the drinking." I kiss him. His soft lips, I can feel his smile when I kiss him. The kiss, this time it is slow. My world seems to freeze. I wanna stop time & be with Faye & Trev forever. This is just amazing.

The night's almost over & people are starting to leave the place. "Hey B, I think I'm going. I'm tired; I wanna get my beauty rest. How about you & Trevy?"

"Oh, how are you gonna get home? You don't have a car, Faye." Faye signals me to look at my right shoulder & there I see Rob waiting for her. Rob is the douche bag ex-boyfriend of Faye. I hated him & still hate him. But Faye just love him & there's nothing I can do but to like him too. "Rob? But he's your ex, Faye. Are you sure you're just fine with that?" Faye holds my hands. "B, he said he misses me. And this time he'll never leave me." I don't trust the dick, but if my best friend’s happy, she'll have my support all throughout. I close my eyes & take a deep breath & tell myself that everything is going to be fine. Trevor sneaks from behind & surprises me with a kiss & a bouquet of roses. "Trev, what is this for?" "I love you & it's my obligation to make you happy. So, how about we grab some Ice creams, my treat. How's that sound?" I kiss him before I give him my answer. "Sound perfect." He holds my hand & I feel safe around him. He's the man I've been searching for all this time. I knew he is. "Let's go."

Trevor's driving to DQ so we can grab some ice creams when all of a sudden a car hit us. I scream so loud that I can't even hear myself anymore, tires screeching all over the place, Trev tries to swerve the light post but it was too late.

I woke up & all I can hear is the sound of the siren. I glance over to my left and all I see is a car in the middle of the street, I glance over to my right & there I see my mum, my dad & my best friend running towards me. And Trevor's car, crushed by a light post. "Bianca, stay with me! We need you, baby. Come on!" Mom cries holding my hand. "Sweet Pea, we still need you. Don't leave us yet." This is the first time I see my dad cry so hard and my best friend’s lying next to me, hugging me.  "B, you have to fight! We still have plans going to Vegas. Please! Please! Please don't give up!" I don't want to close my eyes but I just can't keep it wide open anymore. Where's Trev? I need to fight but I feel so weak. Fight Bianca. Fight.....then my heart stops from beating. 

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