Chapter 16 - Save Your Goodbye

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I watch Luigi sleeps as my fingers caress his hair. I have to go. I don't want to make this hard for me. I need to move on. I need to let this people go. I kiss Luigi & I vanish.

Here I am once again, inside my room. I lay on my bed one last time. I close my eyes & remember every good & bad I've spent on this room. My mom goes into my room, she's back. She walks through my closet. This closet, I remember how I looked at my prom dress, how I imagined how good prom would be. Mom opens the window & there she cries. "Bianca, baby, I know you're here." Yes Mom. I'm here. I'm right in front of you. "I miss you. I miss you every day." My dad walks in, he gives my mom a hug. I can't take this anymore. No. It hurts to see them in pain because of me. I wish I could do something but I can't. Goodbye Mom. Goodbye Dad. I love you so much.

            Now, I'm inside my best friend’s room. Faye's watching a video on her laptop. I see myself & Trevor & Faye, I know that video. I remember that.

"Faye, come here!" I said to Faye who's playing darts. Trevor hugged me from behind & kissed my neck. I can't believe Trevor's my boyfriend now. Every girls dream of having him, well, except Faye. Faye hates Trevor. "What do you want, B? Oh, get that camera away from me!" I walked close to Faye & she shoved my camera away. "Come on, Faye! Smile for the camera!"

"B! Get that thing away from me!" I don't get it. Faye hates camera. She hates it so much that she doesn't have one. Trevor grabbed my camera & starts filming me & Faye. "Hey Faye!" Trev called her. The moment Faye turned around I threw a bag of flour in her face. Yes! Nailed in the face! Got you Faye! "Ugh! I'm going to kill you, B!" Faye cried while throwing the darts to me. "No fair, Faye! Ouch!" I grabbed a water gun & starts attacking her. "B! Stop! I'm serious!"

"No way! Don't be a kill joy Faye!" Faye snatched the camera to Trev. "Give it back!"

"Haha! I'm gonna throw this away." Faye walked towards the swimming pool, teasing the camera. "Faye, give it back to me."

"No, B. Consequences first." I'm a dead meat. When Faye asks for consequences, you're a dead meat. She's horrible, I tell you. Very evil! "No." I cried. She lowers the camera, very close to the water. "Faye. Drop it." Trev sighed. "On the water? Okay."

"Faye! Faye! Don't. Oh for Christ sake. What are the consequences?!" Gosh! She holds the camera & starts filming me & Trev. "What do you want Faye?" I asked. "Let's go to the kitchen." She said. This is a very bad idea. We walked to the kitchen & sat on the dining room. "Let's get this done Faye." Trev said while tapping his finger on the table. I can tell Trev's nervous. He always does that. Faye threw two pieces of Jalapeño Pepper on the table. "No way. I'm not eating this! No! Give me back my camera!"

"Nah ah. You piss me, B. Now eat or I'll throw your camera away or I could just ruin it here."

"Geez, you're horrible Faye!"

"I'm your best friend, this is what I do. I make your life miserable & you, Trevy," she placed an egg on the table. "You want me to cook that egg for you, Faye?"

"That would be too nice, Trevy. No. I want you to eat it, instead."

"This is raw."

"Your balls or that egg? You choose."

"God, Faye, you're an evil."

"You messed with me." To be honest, Faye & I planned everything. It's April. Happy April fools! Trev cracked the egg & he's about to eat or drink, I don't know, the raw egg. I stopped him. "Babe! Eeew! I can't believe you're actually gonna shove that thing in your belly! Yuck! Disgusting! Nice act by the way Faye." I said to Faye. She vowed & winked at me. "Right back at you, B!" I looked at Trev & he's pissed. Oh no. "You planned this? The both of you?"


"Oh Trevy. What a douche."

"I'm going to get you, Bianca & after I get you. I'm going to hunt you down, Faye."

"Oh shoot." Faye ran. I ran & Trev ran.

Thanks for the memories, Faye. I love you. I open my eyes & I'm standing next to Trevor. My man is still on the ICU. I hug Trev for the last time, I don't want to let go but I have to. Calestine promised me that everyone will be fine if I go. That's why I'm leaving. I kiss Trev goodbye. Thank you for loving me, babe. I love you everyday & I am thankful God gave me you. I'm sorry.

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