Chapter 7 - Letters

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2 weeks have gone & I'm running out of time. Bianca, think. You need to think of something if you want to live. Damn it. I am inside Luigi's room. Luigi's bedroom is on the top floor, one of the rooms with balcony, and it's bigger than mine. His king-size bed hasn't been made yet, and video game cases scatter on the floor beside his PlayStation 3, which hooks up into a big-ass-screen TV. His room smells nice, that's a surprise. It's a mixture of Luigi's Davidoff’s Cool Waters cologne & recently washed clothes. He walks over to the bookshelf that's overflowed with books by different authors, from Leonardo Da Vinci to John Greene. "Nice room you got, Guadagnino." I say walking around his room & checking out his things. "You know, you don't need to call me by my family name. You could just call me L or Luigi but don't call me Guadagnino. It makes me sick." He says while playing 2Fuse on his iPad. He looks cute lying on his bed. His curls flowing down his face. His God-Greek body. Ugh! No. I have a boyfriend, there's no way I'm going to fall for this asswipe. "What's your plan, Bianca? It's already 2weeks past. People move on. Nobody talks about you anymore." He pause the game he's playing & sit up straight to look at me. "Not even Faye?" I bite my nails. Does Faye have new best friend? Did she forget about me already? "I don't know. I'm not friends with Faye. She's a bitch."

"Hey! She's my best friend!"

"She's always with Rob. I don't think she still thinks about you." okay, this asswipe needs to stop talking. "Well, at least she didn't go out with you when you ask her to. Don't be bitter 'bout it, Guadagnino." I stare at the mirror. Ugh. This dress is killing me! Awww. I used to love this dress & now I hate it so much. I look like a mess. I smell my armpits & luckily it doesn't smell. Right, I forgot I'm dead. I don't sweat. I don't feel hungry & my heart don't fuckin beat anymore. "How do I look?" I ask Luigi, staring at his reflection on the mirror. "Fine. Just like the way you look at Prom. You're beautiful. Don't worry."

"But I look like a mess? Can you see my dress is covered with blood? I'm wounded & my hair is looking like pretty much a bird's nest." I ask him & sit next to him. "Blood? Wounds? Hair? No. You look just fine. Same old Bianca." Oh sweet Jesus, thanks I don't look like shit in front of Luigi. Paper. Pen. Yes! Something pop into my mind but before that I have to see mom & dad first. It's been weeks since I haven't seen them. I miss them. I disappear in front of Luigi, then I open my eyes & I'm in my room. My very own room. It's still messy; my clothes are still on the floor. That's weird, Mom usually cleans my room. I try to clean it up but, stupid! I forgot I can't touch every damn thing. I walk my way downstairs & find my dad watching a game again & drinking beer. The living room is so messy, chips are everywhere, bottles are on the floor. This never happens when I was still here. Mom? Where's mom? She usually in the kitchen baking muffins. I quickly check out the kitchen but see nothing. Instead I see a piece of post it’s on the refrigerator

Richard, I'm going to see Papa. I hope when I get back everything's back to normal. I know it's hard that Bianca's gone but please, she doesn't want to see us like this. I love you. I love Bianca. I miss you both.

What is happening? Is their marriage falling apart? No! This can't be happening. I have to do something. NOW! I disappear.

Again, I'm at Luigi's room. "Holy! Bianca! You scared me. Jeeez! Where the hell have you been?" He got out of the shower & he's half naked. I sing Miley Cyrus's I can't be tamed. "I can't be tamed!" I look away. "What did you say?"

"Nothing. So, uhm. You're going to write me a letter."

"And that's going to make them think you're alive?"

"You're going to give my mom & my dad a letter." I look at him. Still his half naked. My oh my. That abs. That amazingly perfectly tanned skin. I'm sorry Trev. But he's hot. Forgive me.

"Geez! Can you please put some clothes on?" I throw him a shirt. "Is my hotness distracting you?" He grins at me. Yes! It's distracting me a lot. "No. I'm not distracted I'm disgusted!" He walks closer to me & he touches my hair. "You're pretty. Trev's a lucky guy." I took his hands off me then I walk far from him. "He is a lucky guy until you killed me. Now, the letter. You're going to write me a letter & you're going to give to my parents." Finally, this asswipe puts his clothes on. What an arrogant bastard. "That's it?" He asks while texting someone on the phone. "And you're going to tell them, you killed me." I smirk at him. That 1-0 asshole.

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