But What About Love? (Draco Malfoy)

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The club was dark and hot.  Bodies writhed together as girls gyrated with boys up behind them.  The strobe lights danced over faces for split seconds; orange, pink, green.  The loud bass line made the floor boards jump and the lyrics gave each person the rhythm to dance to.  The stench of stale alcohol, fag ends and sweat lingered in the air.

But this was home.

I pushed through the crowds and staggered slightly in my Louboutins.  My small black dress was ridding up around my thighs and was becoming more than slutty.  I fist bumped Blaize, one of the guys I had come with, as I reached our table.  My shot glass was still there, so I picked it up and chugged down the rest of the vodka.  A hand wound it's way around my waist and pulled me on to the dance floor.

Slipping slightly, I wiggled my hips in time with his.  To be honest, I couldn't tell who he was.  I could only tell blonde hair and pale skin.  And that could be anyone.  But it was defiantly a boy because of certain things you can tell when you're dancing if you know what I mean...  He ground his hips into mine.  Moaning, I complied.  We danced in each others arms, moving to the beat.

As the song came to an end, I edged closer slurring, "Who are you?" His nose touched mine as his lips reached for mine.
"Just dance." he whispered, mere millimetres away.  His breath was soft and smelt of smoke and beer.  So he was just as drunk as I was.
"And give me one good reason." I mumbled trying to look him steadily in the eye but failing miserably.
"Because nothing can end while you dance."

Then everything whirled just that bit more and as the next track came on, someone moved with another.  They bumped into me causing me to go flying into the mystery boy's arms.  The strobes caught my eye and then I blanked.


I awoke the next morning to the sun blazing through an open window.  Birds chirped happily and cats meowed.  My hang over wasn't as happy as them.
"Where the hell am I?" I whispered.  This was not my dorm.  Dumbledore was going to kill me.

I fell from the bed I was in and landed cat like on the carpeted floor.  Boxers lay discarded in front of me.  I stood up quickly and saw myself in the mirror - naked.

"Crap crap crap." I whispered, collected my stuff off the floor.  My wand was still safely in my dress, thank God.  I slipped on my panties and clasped my bra, before checking the clock.  10:56.  I was going to die.  Sliding on my bed, I looked over to the bed.

"Oh my God." Someone was in there.  And apparently still asleep.  Did we?  Please say we didn't.  I sucked in a breath and poked him.  Gently on the shoulder, the slightly more firm before I ended up shoving him out of the bed.
"Oof." He wailed as he landed on the floor.  No boxers.  Great.
"Who are you?" I asked, pointing my wand at him.
"I could ask you the same question." He said jumping up and pointing his wand at me.

Silently, we stared at each other.
"Did we?" I ventured.
"I don't know." He replied, pulling on some sweats.  I sank onto the bed, head in hands.  He jumped on next to me.
"Oh come on Luvina.  It's not so bad."
"Not so bad!" I yelled, staring at him in devastation. "Draco - how can this be 'Not so bad''?"
He smirked. "I'm sure Harry won't mind."
"Yeah right." I sighed.

He sat up, looking my dead in the eye.  That was something I had tried to do last night.  I matched his gaze and we sat there; eyes glued together.  The weight on the bed shifted as we moved.  We circled each other, almost predatory.  Then he lunged.

Lips colliding, hips griding, everything forgotten.

We threw our wands aside, sparks igniting on the end.  I felt the zip on my dress being undone once again.  Everything began to repeat itself.  Like time reversal.

But shouldn't I feel guilty?  I was making out with my boyfriend's worst enemy.  But I didn't feel any remorse.  Just living in the moment.

But what about love?

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