Darkness Before The Dawn (George Weasley)

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"I'm hungry..." I whined. My stomach gurgled as I gave Hermione the puppy dog eyes. She was studying diligently and didn't even look up. I frowned and clutched my stomach. "Hermione!" I yelled. 
"What Lucie? Can't you see I'm studying?" she said, flicking hair from her face. 
I looked at her intently until she looked at me. "Yes, but I'm hungry!" I shouted once again. 
"Urgh - fine, I need to go to the library anyway." she sighed, giving in. 

I stood, clapping my hands as my black hair swished over my shoulders. A grin spread across my naturally red lips and my pale skin gained a slight glow. 
"Thank you Hermione!" I said gleefully. 
"Mind if we come with?" Two male voices asked in unison from behind me. I instantly became embarrassed due to my emotions as Hermione grinned wildly. 
"Sure Fred, George. I'm sure Lucie would love for you to come along." She snickered along with Fred as my cheeks grew hotter. George just stood unaware. 
Sending daggers to Hermione, I turned around to smile cutely at the Weasley twins. They grinned and waved back before we turned and walked out of the portrait.


Lucie and Hermione strolled in front of us, muttering secretively. Fred cast me a furtive glace and winked with a huge grin pasted on his face. I motioned for him to shut up by pointing at his mouth, Lucie and then punching my hand vigorously. He understood perfectly and made a small heart by using his index fingers and thumbs. I clipped the back of his head before walking next to Lucie and slinging a hand round her shoulder as Fred copied my actions.

"So ladies. Why are we heading to get food?" Fred asked, ruffling Hermione's hair. 
She scowled as Lucie answered. "Because I'm hungry!" her stomach rumbled to emphasize the fact. 
"I can hear..." Fred gave a furtive glance towards Lucie's stomach. 
"And that's why I need food!" she yelled, running towards the kitchens. 
"And I need to study!" Hermione shouted, mocking Lucie's tone. "I'm going to the library. Fred, you coming?" she asked my brother. He winked at the me and Hermione pushed me in the direction of Lucie's retreating footsteps. 
"Yes, I will Hermione. Go get her Georgie!" I mock saluted him and ran after my girl.


"Hey Lucie!" George shouted as I slowed down.  I heard his feet slapping against the floor as he ran and dashed past me.
"Oi!" I yelled at him, grinning all the while.
He stopped and looked back. "You coming or not?"
I walked up to him slowly and whispered, "Yes." and then ran ahead of him again.

Our laughter mingled as we ran.  We forgot everything and raced around; singing, laughing, shouting.  Nothing stopped us.

Apart from Filch.

George pulled me into a cupboard as he rounded the corner with his cat.  He hobbled past as I mumbled against his hand, "I like to keep some things to myself."
"I like to keep my issues drawn."
he whispered back.
"There's always darkness before the dawn."
We burst out of the cupboard together, still singing louder than ever and running away from Filch. He didn't even bother to chase and left the kids to scramble down the hall with a shake of his head.

 "Shake it out - shake it out - shake it out!  And it's hard to dance with the devil on your back! So shake it out !"

After eventually dancing to the end of the corridors, George and I tumbled down the steps to the kitchen.  Just as I was about to tickle the pear on the fruit bowl painting, a gentle breath on my neck stopped me.  I turned around slowly and saw George standing just behind me.  He had a strange look in his eye as his knuckles grazed my cheek.  I breathed out slowly and blinked rapidly.  He cupped the side of my face as I moved a hand up his chest to the back of his head.
"There's always darkness before the dawn.  You're my dawn Lucie."
And he barely lent down as he was already so close.  He brushed my lips gently and twirled a piece of my hair in his hand.  I smiled slightly as my nose touched his softly.  We broke away with our breaths caressing each others faces.

"George - I...  I'm still hungry!" I giggled and kissed his nose before pulling him into the kitchens.
"And Lucie - I'm hungry for you." 


Hey everyone!  Hope you enjoyed this one shot as a couple of you have been asking for one.  It's inspired by Florence + the Machine's new song Shake It Out.  Totally in love with it and have had it on repeat all day!

Anyhoo - can I ask something?  If you have requested a One Shot, can you PM me about it.  I have a list of To Do's and unfortunately, writing is at the bottom.  I have so many to do, and I do apologise as some of you have been waiting for about three months!  You see my problem here.  But if you PM me, it's easier to maintain.

Well, thanks.  Comment, Vote, Fan etc.  Love, Me. xoxoxox :) <33

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