Chapter One

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Chapter One

I wondered around the bedroom, stopping every now and again to take deep breaths. I couldn't believe it. I didn't have anything to believe. But, I knew it, I just knew that I was pregnant... this gut feeling, which was making my heart pound, bursts of excitement and fear erupted momentarily. I had no confirmation. I was telling myself I had to take a test. There was just too many symptoms.

I reckoned in had happened on my boyfriend, Will's birthday. His 26th. I bet the alcohol had made the pill unreliable. It was the only way. I had taken my pill religiously. I had been for the last 2 years. Before then we had just used condoms. I'd had scares before but nothing that gave me this gut feeling, before it was paranoia or wishful thinking.

"Babe, are you okay?" Will put his head around the door.

"No!" I yelled, and then laughed at myself, "I'm fine. I'm just... stressed."

"About?" He raised an eyebrow, as if I had nothing to be stressed about.

"Bloody stuff!" I snapped, and sat on the bed. I thought about the life inside me. If there's not a life inside you, your going to be torn. I sighed, "Sorry, I'm-

"Stressed? Come on love, lets go to the pub?" He smiled. I shook my head.

"I don't feel like it... I oughta get a bath, get some comfies on and chill out."

The truth was, I didn't want to drink any alcohol if I was pregnant. I was pregnant. I am pregnant... I don't know if I am. I'm just sure. I laid back on the bed. I was just so stressed. I expected Will to come towards me and start with some funny business, but I was surprised to see he didn't.

"I'll run you a bath then, babe," He said. Jeez' the stress must of really shown!

"Thanks, love."

As I waited for my bath to be run, I laid thinking about Will's birthday. He'd been to work that Friday, and we'd gone to the pub, we'd both gotten drunk - very drunk - and after stumbling back to our place, we'd ended up horizontal in no time. I blamed that night. I had no other night to blame but that night; the 20th January.

When my bath was ready, I had to wait a while for it was far too hot but it was lovely and bubbly. I stuck on the radio, fancying the old songs, and daydreamed for a while - about having a baby. I got quite excited.

Should I be worried about how Will would feel? I didn't feel like I should be worried. We'd been together for just under 3 and half years, we were living together. It had only been about a month or so. But we had been together so long. We'd talked about a honeymoon but not about getting married. I wasn't even concerned with getting married, ever.

Before I knew it, the water was just about bareable. And after a while of laying in the water, I decided that I shouldn't think about it anymore, I should get a test tomorrow after work. That's it! That's what I'm doing!

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