Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

The inevitable had to happen and I was particularly irritated by it's occurrence. At just over 19 weeks pregnant, a trip to see Will's family wasn't what I wanted to be doing. I was very clearly pregnant now and I was beginning to walk like a penguin. However, it was going to have to happen sooner or later so I would have to grin and bare it.

Will and I were sat on a train one minute, and one bag of cheese and onion crisps later, we were off of the train and getting a bus to the place where he used to live. His parents still lived together and I heard his older brother, Ryan, who didn't like would be there. I'd only met his Mum and his brother, Matt before. I wasn't particularly looking forward to meeting his younger sister, Layla, either.

I was bombarded with questions. Literally, his Mum, his Dad, his brothers and his sister were throwing a million questions at me; 'what are you going to call him or her?' 'do you want a boy or a girl?' 'were you trying for a baby?' and all the similar questions. I don't mind Lily, Holly or Keira asking me things like that, but that was because they know me. I hadn't even got to the toilet before they had questioned me.

I was glad when dinner was served because I could tuck into my food. Gladly, the conversation ran onto normal topics; like whether beans taste good with cheese. Some random things came up, some very weird things too but I was just glad I wasn't the one being interrogated.

By the time I'd left I knew that none of them liked me but I couldn't have cared less. I didn't really like them either. I could see that Will had picked up on my bad mood but as usual he just ignored me. I was glad to get back on that train, I laid one hand on my bump and felt a little comforted. Alice had told me to keep as calm as possible at all times, she had made sure I was alright two days ago when she came to check I was alright.

"You know," I said to Will, "My 20 week scan is in 3 days time, are you excited?"

"Yeah," he muttered.

"What on earth is wrong with you?" I said.

"Nothing," He sighed, "Leave it."

"Well, giving me the silent treatment is stressing me out. So you might as well tell me?"

"And have a row on the train?"

"So, you were waiting until we got home?"

"No! I just want to drop it. What is it with you and carrying things on?"

"Look, today was good. I'm just getting uncomfortable as I get bigger and it makes me moody, I wish you'd understand more."

"I do understand, I'm not stupid. Matt's a Dad y'know, he's told me what to expect. Now, can you leave it?"

"Can you please stop acting moody then?"

"For heaven's sake..."

I could have started crying. Pregnancy had made me rather fragile. I felt so alone sometimes. 

"I hope you grow up sometime soon," I sighed.

"It's you who needs to grow up..." He looked at me, I shook my head.

"You're killing me," I whispered, "Please..."

"You silly thing, you," He whispered back, and he put his arm around me. I forced back the tears and put my head on his shoulder, "I'm not even mad at you or anything, I just hate how my family just interrogated you. Sorry."

Had I really got it wrong again? I always seemed to analyse how he was feeling wrong. How could you know somebody so well but not be able to read them?

However, that night, as we laid on the sofa watching a movie, the most amazing thing happened...

I felt the first kick! It landed on the right side of my bump and it was the most wonderful feeling. I felt so much love for this little one already, I couldn't believe that so simple could make me love him or her more.

I squealed in delight and announced the event loudly to Will. He's eyes widened in shock and gave me a kiss on the forehead.  I sent Holly, Keira and Louise a very excited text and then dashed off to fill in my 'pregnancy diary'. I just couldn't wait to meet my little one. It felt we had just bonded that little bit more!

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