Chapter 38.

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I love you

Hold me mmmmm please

He kissed me again and held me close to him still kissing me.

"I needed that,"I said.

"You need much more than this,"he said,"You're so beautiful."

"You're beautiful too just everything about you is beautiful and that's why I don't want you to go after Daniel,"I started.

"Now Toni,"he started.

"Just listen to me you don't know Daniel like I do he's done some crazy things and I don't want you to get involved with that please just let me handle it myself,"I said.

"I don't think I can do that,"he said.

"Please,"I said looking at him.

"Okay,"he said.

"You're such a wonderful person Gary you're special to me,"I said reaching for his hand and kissing it.

"I care about you Toni,"he said.

"I appreciate that a lot,"I said.

He kissed my forehead and we began to cuddle until I fell asleep.


I slept at Gary's house yesterday and I'm just now making it home. I walked inside and Daniel was sitting right there on the stairs.

"Where have you been?"he asked.

"Daniel..."I said startled.

"Where have you been?!"he yelled.

"I was at my mother's house,"I lied.

"No you weren't because I was there last night,"he said.

"Okay I was at a friend's house but that shouldn't matter because at least I was away from you,"I said.

"I was worried about you,"he said.

"A lot of people is worried about me Daniel,"I said.

"People like who?"he asked.

"People unlike you now move,"I said.

"Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you,"he said.

"There's nothing to talk about,"I said.

"Stop that,"he said.

"Stop what?"I asked folding my arms.

"Talking back to me I don't like that,"he said unfolding my arms.

"I don't like a lot of stuff you do but guess what?"I said trying to be sarcastic.

"Don't start with me,"he said getting in my face.

"Daniel,"I said backing up.

"I got a business meeting all day tomorrow,"he said.

"And?"I asked.

"Fix that attitude,"he said,"I'm trying so hard right now not to smack the taste out of your mouth but you're making it hard for me."

"Where are you going and where's Nayla?"I asked.

"She's still at Evelyn's house and I'm going on a little trip to handle some business,"he said.

"Fine,"I said.

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