Chapter 23.

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I'm happy today because I have my very first baby shower. It's just gonna be me and the girls today so no men are allowed. I decided to have it here at home since it's big enough. My Mommy came over to prepare food for us while I just chilled. I didn't do anything special I just wanted food and my family. No theme or anything. Anyway while I was basically getting dressed I could hear my Mom arguing with Traci over something. I went downstairs to check on them and they was just fighting because Traci forgot to go get the cake. I didn't want to get involved so I just went back upstairs. I don't know why but I'm just not the type of person to get overexcited about things like this. I've never wanted big parties, nor wedding, and in this case, baby shower. I'm just satisfied with the simple things in life.

An hour later

All of my friends and family were here. Everyone gave me hugs and kisses and we just sat down and gossiped about everything.

"So Toni how is you and your husband?"asked Towanda.

"We're great,"I said.

"Do like the married life Mrs. Sunjata?"asked Trina.

"Yes I do but don't call me that,"I said.

"But that is your married name,"said Tamar.

"But I never liked that name,"I said.

"You're supposed to love everything about your man,"Tamar said.

"I do but I love the man not the name,"I said.

"Chile,"Tamar said.

"Knock Knock Heyyy,"Jo yelled walking in.

"Lord look what the wind done blew this way,"Mommy said.

"Heyyy Mrs. Braxton glad to see you again,"Jo said giving her a hug.

"Heyyy how are you?"Mommy asked.

"I'm fine,"she responded.

"Well that's good come on and sit down with us,"Mommy said.

"I sure will how's it going everyone,"Jo asked.

"Great,"I said.

"Well I'm starving where's the food,"she said making us all laugh.

Mommy prepared us with some food and we all just ate and talked about everything. I was really enjoying my time to the point where I hated that they had to leave. All them left a few hours later and it was just me. I went upstairs and I heard the door open so I knew it had to be Daniel.

"Daniel?"I called out.

"I'm homeeee,"he yelled.

"Shit!"I murmured because I already knew he was drunk.

"Heyyy babyyyy,"he said,"Come give Papi some sugar."

"Daniel stop that,"I said backing up.

"What you don't want to kiss your husband?"he asked.

"You're drunk,"I said.

"So what?"he said,"That has nothing to do with a kiss."

"Well I don't want to kiss you,"I said.

"Come here,"he said grabbing my face trying to kiss me.

"I said No Daniel,"I said.

"Come here!"he yelled squeezing my wrist.

"Ahhh stopp it you're hurting me baby please stop that ouch,"I cried.

"Why you act so hard to get?"he said still squeezing me.

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