Chapter 3

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Again, I know it's short, but you're going to have to trust me with this. IT WILL GET LONGER.

Ok so thanks if your reading this, means the world

My name is Hermi, well that's my nick name.

Just enjoy ;)


Chapter 3

So, me and the doctor were kinda having this conversation. Well he was talking to me and I was trying to listen without nodding off or blanking out, which was hard.

"Julie, I'm ging to talk to you about your condition."

'Umhm' I muttered to myself in my head

"Well, you've got cancer and you may not have long to live. 3 weeks is probably maximum."

'WHAT?' I recognize the word cancer from somewhere, but I'm not sure where, though. I've heard that it's bad. And three weeks to live doesn't sound appealing, either.

"I know, you think that is probably crazy, but it's true. You have three weeks to live, and you won't be able to say goodbye to your loved ones, because you're in this stupid darn coma. I haven't told them yet, just you, as I thought I should probably tell you first since it is you not them." he said with a stern voice, as if I had done something wrong.

Not being able to tell my friends and family, who ever they were now, would be tricky, goodbye and I love them, would be sad, as then they wouldn't no that I loved them and cared for them as well as them caring and loving me.

"You probably think I'm stupid, talking to you when you probably can't even hear me, but that's how it is. You can't hear me, but can't hear you, either, because you're not even talking. Anyway, we are going to try to get you out of that coma as soon as we can because these files say that when you're out of there, you will no longer have cancer. Which means that you may have more than just three weeks to live, but many, many years to live. This will mean that we will do anything to get you out of there, which can mean literally anything!"

The mans voice was getting softer and gentler. So, I wasn't as scared as i was with his stern voice. I didn't quite get what anything ranged between, but I figured that i would be in for a supprise.

His British accent was no fading as I heard footsteps fade away into the distance.

"You will have company later, so I will tell them about your condition as well. But for the time being, Goodbye."

And he was gone.

I could always sense when people had come in and out of the room, as I heard the door slam, or people talk. It made me happy when people came in, like I had company and like people wanted to see me, not me awkwardly ask them to come over and they couldn't say no to that. Because, I hadn't even invited them or anything, it was them coming over to see ME. Not the other way around. So, when the man said I had company later, it cheered me up. It was something to look forward to.

It was awkward when people came over, because they knew who I was, but i had absolutely no idea who they were.


The door shut and I could hear voices again. Not the five I had heard yesterday, but ones that I had heard before. One of them sounded a little like mine, quite high pitched and Irish. Just plain, old Irish. It was a welcoming voice, like I cound tell her (I'm guessing it's a her, I am pretty good at guessing) anything.

"Julie, my darling! You look so tired! I want to take you away right this second and put you back in your warm, snuggly, cosy bed. But I can't, and you no that, don't you?"

Okay. It was kinda creepy that she wanted to put me to bed, but it was nice of her to offer, though. I swear I recognize this voice, as well as most of the other voices that I've heard since being in here. Maybe it would all come back to me today? I don't think so.

"Look at the poor thing! She is as pail as a sheep! Her eyes almost look bruised. Oh, the poor sausage!"

Her voice was so sorrow, yet as if I was a little baby.

I could begin to hear the Doctor talk to her about my condition, and I started to black out.

A few minutes later, after I had blacked out, they were still talking about my condition, the woman's voice was cracking up and I heard her start to cry. I hated this so much!

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