Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Louis' POV

The only thought that was going through my head was 'how must Harry be feeling?' If this was Eleanor, I would be screaming. I've already shed bucket loads of tears, and I'm sure Harry has shed more, but I can only imagine how he feels.

Tara decided to go through with the procedure, very hesitantly of course, but she did, and for that I'm grateful. I'm dead certain that Harry doesn't want to be pushing anyone round in a wheelchair. But I'm sure if he had to he would.

Now it was a matter of waiting - again - and praying to every God imaginable that Jules will be okay in the end.

Harry has been to the 'toilet' quiet a lot of times, I imagine to have some space from this whole situation and to have some alone time where he can let his emotions out.

It's been mostly quiet, apart from the so bs that came once every minute - or their about. We've all been non-stop crying, and to be honest this whole thing is utter torture. Like, worse than being burned alive or executed, torture.

Perrie came earlier and she is no better than any of us. If anything, she's worse, but not Harry worse. Her and Jules are like best friends, as well as Eleanor, so her and El have been sitting next to each other and staining their shirts with their tears.

Currently, we are seated in a waiting room, waiting to hear from a doctor in about an hours time. They said it would be a 6 hour operation, and so far it has been 2 hours, but they said they'd let us know half way through how it was going. I literally don't have any nails left on my fingers as I have been biting them most of the time. And I don't think that after today I will have any water left in me to turn to tears to shed.

Jules family have also joined us and it is very unfortunate that I have to sit opposite her annoying cousin. She's actually to spoilt to get attention. Jules has a hard life having her in it, but we all have that annoying cousin, don't we? The one that thinks there the best person on this world and that they should have all the chocolate in the shop.

Harry has been gone from his last trip to the toilet for more than a while and it is beginning to scare me fuckless. So, I am going to go and go to the 'toilet' as well to see how he's doing.

"El, I'll be back in a min, I'm just going to nip to the loo." I said, wiping some escaped tears before I left.

Walking down a hospital corridor is scarry, not to mention sad and gloomy. Looking through the windows of the rooms that patients could be dying in is sad. So sad. Knowing that someone could be dying not so peacefully is just devastating. Knowing that they could have a painful disease is depressing. Knowing that I have an almost perfect life, while someone else suffers from something deathly is just indescribable.

Wiping a few more shed tears, I head straight for the loos again, in hope to find Harry Styles. Who would have known that I, Louis Tomlinson, has to sometimes stalk my best friend, Harry Styles, when we are both in the band One Direction, which is a worldwide phenomenon? Well, I do.

I can already hear sobs coming from inside the toilets and I'm about 5 meters away. This boy has it hard, I'm telling you.

"Harry?" I say, as I walk into them.

No reply.

"Harry, are you okay?" I ask.

Still, no reply.

"Harry, it's only me, talk to me if you want, I'm right here, mate." I say again, but he still doesn't reply.

"Haz, look. I'm not forcing you to talk to me, but if you need I promise to listen. But do you really think that Ju would want you to cry over her? No. So, are you gonna come out of the loo?" And with that, I heard a lock unlock and a very sad looking Harry Styles come out.

"Lou, I can't help it. Honestly, I have no idea what I am supposed to do if she dies. And how am I supposed to wait another 3 and a half hours not knowing if she's made it or not? I know your trying your best with me but God knows if she will make it." Harry said, sobbing at the end.

"Haz, come here." I said, opening my arms up for him. He obliged and hugged me back. It was no bro hug, nor a gay hug, but a proper hug. One that said 'No matter what, I'll be here.' Even if we had just had a massive fight and were no longer friends, I'll be here. Which is true. I will always be here for this boy. My little brother. My friend 'til the end.

After a while, we both let go, and wiped our tears for the millionth time today, and I managed to drag him out of the loos.

"Arggh, titwank!" I shouted, as I hit my leg on the edge of the sink.

"Way to spoil a moment there, big guy." Harry said, holding is his laughs.

"Oi, shut it, dog." I said in hysterics. Harry didn't manage to hold in his laughter this time, as he was doubled over, sounding like a duck.

And there you have it. No matter what the situation is, we will always be those two idiots you see, laughing like weirdos wherever we are.




Okay, so I haven't updated in forever, because I got put off by the Channel 4 thing. But honestly, I didn't really see the point as like no one reads this.


Zerrie Engagement?

Liam and Sophia?

Harry and maybe Cara?

Niall and maybe Ellie?

This is us?

Album announcement?

Louis playing football?

Liam 'done'?

I know loads of that was ages ago but asdfghjkl


Anyway, comment, vote, fan, etc.

Love you all

-Hermi xoxox

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