Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Niall's POV

Liam told us all to go out and look for Harry first thing in the morning when we were all up. He told me to look right, along with Zayn. We had no clue where he would be and where her would of gone, so we looked anywhere and everywhere that we passed.

We searched every corner of every street and we even went into some shops, but we couldn't find him anywhere. Zayn suggested that he might have gone up to Holmes Chappell, where his family live, but his car was still at his house when we left, so he couldn't of git there. We tried calling the other two boys to check whether they had had any such luck, but they hadn't either. So we decided to meet them back at Harry's house and then we would figure out what to do.

Me and Zayn made short chit chat along the way back, but we were both to screwed on the situation that we couldn't. The silences that we occasionally had were not awkward, they were needed. It wasn't as if we had nothing to say to each other, because we did, we just needed blank heads to find Harry, and if we got immersed in a deep conversation, we would accidently miss-spot him.

We got lost on the way back, because we had no clue where we were in the first place, so we had no clue how to get back. Liam was obviously worried about us, as he called us to see where we were.

"Where are you, mate? Me and Louis have been her for almost twenty minutes. Did you get lost, or have you found him? Please say that you h-"

"Liam, stop. Look, we got lost and we haven't found him. We tried but we couldn't. We looked everywhere. We are almost back, we are like five houses away from his street." I say, trying to calm Liam down. Sometimes he is a bit over protective. Okay, that was an under-exaggeration. He always is.

"Okay, pal. Be back soon. We are waiting here." He said, still quite evidently panicking. I hung up.


We got back about two minutes later, and sure enough, they were sitting on the wall of the house.

"You guys sure know how to take your time, don't you? Geeh." Louis said, while standing up.

"You know you could've gone inside, right? You did have your keys on you, didn't you?" Zayn questioned.

"About that... Well... We were rushing out the house and..." Liam got interrupted.

"A squirrel made Liam jump and he dropped them in some doggy poop and then the owner of the doggy who pooped picked up the doggy poop and put it in the doggy poop bin and neither of us wanted to put our hand in the doggy poop bin to get the key to Harry's house and I left my keys at his house and so Liam's keys were the only keys we had with us and so we had to wait here for you guys to come home but you took like forever and we got really bored and started to do hand claps and then these people walked past and thought we looked like retarded idiots but we aren't so that got us annoyed and then you lovely people came and opened the door for us because Mr Me needs a wazza. Hint hint." Louis said in one breath apart from the hint hint. Zayn just burst out laughing and I took it as my que to open the door as Louis was giving me some evil looks and holding his man parts.


After Louis had done his business, we all went outside again to look for Harry and this time we went all together.

We went in a completely different direction than before either pairs had gone off to, and again none of us had any idea where we were. But we still continued on.

We went down what seemed like thousands of alleyways and paths, and we went down the same one more than once.

"Guys, we're not getting anywhere here. We should just head back." Zayn said.

"No! We can't give up! We will find him! I promise." Louis said.

Liam then lead us down this alley way that wasn't familiar looking and at the end of it there was a sign. It wasn't lit up, as I'm guessing it was a night club and they're nit open during the day hence 'night' club.

We got to the night club that said G-CLUB on the front and walked around the side, which was another little alley way. There was a bench down there and I could make out a little figure on it. It had very messed up curly hair, some sort of black jacket on and very tight skinny jeans.

"Oh MY GOD GUYS! IT'S HAZ!" Louis shouted. He could see Harry from a mile away. Louis then ran over to him and put his arms tightly around his neck. We all followed him and joined in the hug.

" Hazza, I'm so sorry about what I said. Honestly. I didn't mean any of it and trust me, don't ever hate you! It's just that you have so many people caring about your issues, but like no one cares about mine. And the problem is not you. At all! It's just that me and El have been having some arguments lately and I don't know. I still love you and I'm so sor-"

"Boo, it's fine. I understand. I just thought that you hated me and that you were pretending to like me because you had to. That's all. I still love you. All of you. But I would appreciate it if you let me have some oxygen as I am struggling to breath." Harry interrupted. We all let go of him and then we picked him up of off the bench. He was shivering so Liam gave him his coat. Then we all headed back to his house.

We made Harry have a shower as he stank of alcohol. Then we talked to Lou about El and that they should definitely not break up and that it was crazy that they were even thinking about it.

"Thanks guys. I love you all. Seriously. I don't know what I would do without you."

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