Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Harry's POV

Today Julie's mum is coming over to see her, along with the rest of her family. They haven't see her yet, as they live in Ireland. They get on well with Niall.

When I told them that she was in a coma, they freaked out. They were absolutely scared for their lives, well her life.

They are coming in ten minutes, and we are heading straight to the hospital.

Julie's dad isn't coming, though. They don't get on, like at all. When she was born, he was devastated that she was a girl. He always wanted a boy, and got a girl. Julie is an only child.

Her dad has always and will always treat her like a boy and expect her to like being used as a punch bag, a football, and the football goal. Julie hates football and hates boxing, so her dad has got her all wrong.

He punches her. He kicks her. He uses her as bait. She hasn't told anyone except from a little bit me. But she hasn't even told her mum.

Her mum, Tara, and her dad, Fred, broke up when she was five years old. they took alternate weeks to look after her and from then on, her dad has abused her.

In fact, it was kind of him who put Julie in this coma.

'DING DONG' That's probably Tara and her family now.

It is.

"Heya, honey. How've you been? And how is my precious baby girl doing in her coma?" She greets me.

"Hey. Yeah, I'm good and she hasn't got any better at all. The doctors say she only has weeks left. Sad, really. Niall's in the other room if you wanna talk to him 'bout Ireland." I say.

Immediately she runs to the kitchen, where Niall is and they start talking about Ireland.

A few minutes later, we're all in my car, driving of to the hospital.

"I'm scared. I don't wanna see her in a state. I just don't! I hope she's okay, oh Haz, is she okay, is she? Please say she is." Tara says, in a paranoid voice. I know what she's feeling.

"she'll be fine. She's a strong girl, ya know. She's gonna get better, just you see." I tries to calm her down. It was true. She is a tough girl, hardly ever cries. Hardly ever defeated. Just like her mum. She has a very soft heart, though. Like a cushion. You can rest on it, and she'll always be there for you, no matter what. And she has been there a lot for me.

I'm returning the favour.

"Oh my God, Harry. We are nearly there! I'm scared and excited and happy to see her. I can't wait! I can only imagine what it's like for her at the moment. Oh, H!" Tara said, squeezing my hand so tightly it could've come off.

We reached the hospital and went straight to her room. I know the number of by heart, so everyone was following me to the room.

But when we got there, she wasn't there.


"Where is she? Please don't say she has..." I said, freaked out that she wasn't in her room.

A tear rolled down my cheek. Oh, that's just great. Now I'm crying.

"What's going on, Harry? WHERE THE HELL IS MY BABY GIRL?" Tara started screaming.

"Calm down, madam. There are sick people everywhere, and it's not going to help if you are screaming." A doctor said as he was walking past.

"Oh, and the girl in there, Julie, she is having an operation. On her heart." He added.

"WHAT?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH HER HEART?!" I cried. The tears were not stopping them selves.

"Please, sir. Speak quieter. Julie had a problem last night. Her dialysis stopped working. Her heart disfunctioned and the liquid got worse. She is having an operation to get the liquid of her heart. If the liquid continues to grow, she will die. And, if this operation goes wrong, which there is a likely case of this happening, she will die. But she may be able to remember things if it goes to plan. She may have flashbacks. If she does, then she will be able to fight stronger. It will increase her chance of surviving. But as I said, there is a likely chance of this operation going wrong. I'm sorry about this." The doctor said, then he left.

Tara's eyes we glazed with water, and it was already steaming down her cheeks and staining them. I looked around and everyone else was crying.

I slumped down on the wall and joined in. I don't get how someone can be so happy, then, only moments later, they can be so sad and in comas. Life confuses me a lot.

I remembered all of the fun times I had had with Julie. I remembered the last thing I said to her and it killed me to think of it. How could I have said that?


" Thank you, for everything. I mean it." She said.

'Knock. Knock'

"I'll get it." I say and run over to the door.

It's him, Fred. He hates me and hates Julie for liking me. I can't think of aanything to say, I am too shocked to see him. I can only imagine what I must look like. my eyes are probably massive and my jaw is probably hanging in the floor. He punches me in the stomach and laughs. I grab it and wince in pain. He has a big punch.

"C'mon, Julie. We are leaving. We can leave this gay pussy behind." He says.

"Dad, but " Julie tries to say, but gets cut off.

"NO BUTS, JULIE. YOU ARE COMING WITH ME, WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!" He bellowed. Julie flinched. So did I.

He took her by the ear and out of the door.

"RETARD!" I shouted at him. And a little bit at Julie for not standing up for herself.

He threw Julie into the glass window.

"What did you say?!"

"I said retard." I said casually.

He slammed the door in my face. "Come on Julie, we are leaving. NOW!" He boomed, but Julie didn't follow. She was unconscious on the ground, with blood all over her face.

Fred got in his car and drove off, while I took her to the hospital. No one a asked why she was here, which was a relief, as it meant I didn't have to explain anything.


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