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(Naruto POV)

Today's my first day at my new school, but the school started a week ago. The name's Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, yes I'm the one and only son of the great Minato Namikaze, the owner of many successful businesses all over the world and Kushina Uzumaki, a super model who made a big name in the fashion industry's across the globe.

Having famous parents, I'm still your simple teenage lad, well ...simple as I can be. With the stature of my parents, expectations is pretty high. At the age of 8, I got my black belt for mix martial arts, I was versed with an adult to get the belt, father thought it's best to know how to defend myself if I get in trouble and when no one's there to protect me. At the age of 10 I started my lessons on how to run my fathers  business. In my junior high years I was ranked the smartest throughout the school. I played sports causing our team to be number one in the province. Teachers asked if I would like to move up grades but I told them that I'm going to take my time, because I'm in no hurry to graduate just yet, I just like hanging out with my friends and play pranks with/on them.

Now I'm walking to the most prestigious schools in Konoha, the leaf academy. Your probably wondering why I'm walking when I'm so rich I can ride a limo -made of gold- to school, it's because
1.) I'd like to keep a low profile
(I would really like to keep my school life normal as possible)
2.) I don't want to attract gold diggers (I HATE GOLD DIGGERS)
3.) I'm going to school as your typical nerd (with thick glasses, messy hair, ummm......I'm still on the process on figuring out what a real nerd really looks like, cause I don't really see any nerds around anymore. (So right now I'm just wearing a white t-shit underneath the blue checkered polo, a blue stylish baggy jeans -it was the only jeans that is close to the normal Jeans- , and a black and white converse). I would ask someone but this whole nerd thing is my little secret and if I ask someone's opinion they would ask why I to pose as a nerd. I want to save my self from explaining because it's troublesome.)

I'm basically new in Konoha because I was living abroad with my parents, now I live by myself with a big condo all to my self provided by my parents. But seriously though I should have brought a map or a bike to travel faster because well .... I'm lost.

Good thing I woke up early because pervysage (my guardian, Jiraya) called me at 5 in the morning, I repeat 5 IN THE FRICKIN MORNING!! Just to remind me to meet up with him after school. Why was he even awake so early in the morning! I don't want to think about it. Normal people would be still dreaming about there favourite food!. Thanks to him I couldn't go back to sleep so I got up and did my morning routine. (Exercise. A bath. Breakfast. And transforming into a nerd.)

Looking around trying to figure out which direction I should take
-sigh- I don't want to get lost anymore, it's not fun. So I decided to ask for directions. I spotted a boy probably my age, with black hair placed into a ponytail (it looks like a pineapple) coming towards me.

'I think I should ask him for directions'   "Hey, do you know how to get to the leaf academy?" I asked when he was a few steps away from me.

"Huh? Oh ya I go there. Are you new?" He asked.

"Ya and I think I've been walking in circles trying to find the academy" I said scratching the back of my head while giving a sheepish grin.

"Well come with me, by the way the name's Shikamaru Nara" he introduced. I was shocked from hearing his last name.

"Nara! Like the Nara clan?! The clan of geniuses!, the clan of strategists!?" I asked excitedly with anime stars in my eyes (well glasses).

"a......... yeah" he said giving me a weird /questioning look.
"How did you know? Not many people know that, it's not an information for the public to know" he said.

'What should I do! I don't want to blow my cover just yet! -think Naruto think- ... aha I'm a nerd now and nerds know everything!'

"Well I read it somewhere about the Nara clan members are all geniuses" I said hopping he would buy it.

Still giving me a suspicious look but he brushes it off with a sigh, but his still suspicious of me.

"Oh, well we probably should get going we don't want to be late and please don't tell anyone one about the clan" he said

"Right! My lips are sealed" I said

We started to walk to wards the school while making small conversations.

I know the Nara's because one works for my dad and he told me all about his clan.


This is my very first fan. Fic. Ever
Hope you enjoyed the 1st chap. 😉


NARUTO = TWO FACED = [Naruto x Sakura]  Fan. Fic.                   MODERN!!!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz