2⃣ Nice to meet you

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(Naruto POV)

Turns out me and Shikamaru have period 1, 3 & 5 together. We're currently walking to our 1st class which is English located on the 3rd floor. I look around finding the place very amusing, everything looks very welcoming. Shikamaru opened the door of the classroom, revealing a gravity defying silver haired teacher with a mask covering most of his face and wearing a tuxedo. Realization hit me like a wave, this man is Hatake Kakashi he used to be my private teacher, he taught me mostly everything I know now, he also work for my dad and my question is WHAT IS HE DOING HERE!

Shikamaru walks to his seat at the back of the room leaving me to stare at kakashi in disbelief while he just gave me a questioning look. Kakashi walked towards me with a book in his hand.

"What's with the thick glasses and messy hair, not to mention the clothing?"he asked pointing at my get up

"N-nothing I-I just w-wanna t-try d-different stuff "I stuttered like a mad man

"Hmm...I will have to talk to you later after class" I gulp and nod.

'Ahhhhhhh! noooooooo! It's only the fist day and my disguise is ruined!! I hope he won't blab to much about me!!! What is he even doing here!!!' I mentally shouted

"Ok class! We have a transfer student. Please introduce yourself" Kakashi said. I prayed that non of of the student in class heard our conversation.

"Hi, my name is Naruto Uzumaki. Hope we can get along" I said

"Take the seat next to Kiba" he said pointing to the boy with black hair wearing black clothing (he looks like a bully with a red upside down triangle painted on his cheeks)

| "the transfer student is a nerd! I was hoping it would be a hunk" a girl whispered to her friends
"hahaha sorry to break it to ya girl, turns out it's a nerd" her friend whispered back. I can still hear them though they're not exactly whispering |

I took a seat next to Kiba, I felt him staring at me and I looked back at him.

"What's up name's Kiba Inuzuka" he said while grinning

An Inuzuka

"So how many hunting dogs do you own" I asked out of the blue

"I have five.................. WAIT!!HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT I HAVE DOGS!!"he exclaimed

"Kiba quiet down!" Kakashi said looking up from his book 'why aren't we starting class yet?'

"Sorry... hey how did you know please tell me you're not a stalker cause thats just creepy man, I prefer a girl stalking me!" He whispered-yelled

"Hahahahaha no I'm not, I just happen to know" I said


"Inuzuka's are vet's and trains hunting dogs for the army right? I read it from the Internet" I said. (someone told me actually and taught me how to train pets cause my pet seems to misbehave)

"Ahhhh, I was worried for a minute there I thought your a stalker eww" he said while laughing. My first impression of Kiba was a bully turns out the guy just like black things and his very hyper and friendly.

<time skip ( after English class )>

It's only me and Kakashi left in class room now, everyone went to their next class.

"Care to explain why you came to school like THAT" he said

-sigh- might as well tell him

"Well... you see I want to keep my school life private ... and not to attract to much attention" I said

"-sigh- ok I understand, you're probably wondering why I'm here" I nod. " I was sent here by your mother, she was worried something might happen to you because it's your first time being away from them" he explained

My mom is so overprotective

"Ok but don't tell anyone about this" I plead

"Ya, go to your next class already you'll be late" he said

>2nd period Bio<

Taught by Ebisu

I met Shino Aburame who likes bugs. His a quiet and cool guy.

> 3rd period Math<

Taught by Asuma

Shikamaru introduced me to Neji Hyuga. His stoic and has long hair that would make the girls jealous.

>Lunch time<

Kiba dragged me to his groups table outside the school. Shikamaru, Neji, and Shino sits on the bench along with other people who I haven't met yet.

"This is Ino Yamanaka" Kiba said pointing at the blonde who smiled and said hello I just wave a hand to her

"This is Chōji Akimichi" pointing at the Chubby guy that's seems to be in his 3rd bag of potato chips "don't ever call him fat that word is forbidden when his around" Kiba whispered

"This is Tenten" pointing at the girl with two hair buns, she wave a hand at me I waved back.

"This is Hinata Hyuga, she's Neji's cousin" pointing at the shy girl with with Long hair.

"Last but not the least Lee" the guy with a bowl haircut shouted "I AM THE HANDSOME DEVIL OF THE LEAF ACADEMY! MY NAME IS ROCK LEE!"

"Uuuu......... nice to meet you my name is Naruto Uzumaki" I said a moment later


"Uuuuu....thx"I said

"YOUR WELCOME!" He shouted

I turned to the guys "does he always shouts?" I asked

"You have no idea." Neji said with sigh

We talked and ate lunch. I saw Kiba constantly looking at Hinata, when she looks back he pretends he wasn't looking at her 'hohoho a new discovery. I can use that to blackma... I mean to ask him a favour later on'

Suddenly the bell rang and we have to hurry because our classes is on the other side of the school

>4th period Chem<

Taught by Iruka

This time I'm with Kiba, lee, Shino and Ino.


>> 5th period in the next chapter (you crazy nerd)

What do you guys think about this chapter?


NARUTO = TWO FACED = [Naruto x Sakura]  Fan. Fic.                   MODERN!!!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz