4⃣ After School

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Naruto went back to his condo to change his clothes, take all the nerdy-ness off and headed out to meet with his godfather in a restaurant.

This time he took his 2015 lamborghini aventador matte black. 


Naruto entered the fancy restaurant and all eyes were on him. He walked like his on a ran way and girls faints as he pass by them, but his so oblivious to notice the stares his getting.

| "do you see, what I see?" A girl said with red cheeks "ya and his so hot. I wanna be his girlfriend~~" her friend said "hey I saw him first" "nuh-ah I saw him first!"| the girls argued who saw him first.

Naruto kept walking while looking out for a long white spiky hair

"My what beautiful lady you are! I think my heart skipped a beat when I laid my eyes on you~~~" Naruto knows that voice, it's so annoying he can never forget.

"Hehehe stop flattering me" the lady flirts back

"Say do you have a boyfriend, cause if you don't I'm ava..." Naruto interrupts him by clearing his throat

The lady looks at him and almost fainted because of his goddess  looks.

"Oh hey Naruto long time no see" Jiraya greeted

"Ya so what's up why did you call me" Naruto took the seat across Jiraya

"Before we continue let's order first" Jiraya said looking at the waitress with red face

They gave their orders then the waitress left

"Naruto why do you always get the girls you're still a brat!" Jiraya mumbled under his breath then cleared his throat

"I called you here cause it's been three years since I last saw you, and I want to hangout" he said

"You called me at 5 in the morning just to hangout, you could've  called me when I'm actually awake pervy sage" Naruto said

"Stop calling me that, someone might hear"

"Then let them hear"

"Argggg what am I gonna do with you"

They talked until Jiraya decides to go to a bar but Naruto declined and went back to his condo.

He lays in bed ready to fall asleep, then his phone rang. He looked at the the caller ID, it said SAKURA.
He immediately sat up taking deep breaths then pressed the talk Botton.



       "Sakura calm down, I'm doing just fine, yeah I'm eating well and I'm not sick, geez you sound like my mother"

"That's good I was worried for nothing, knowing you you're a bit clumsy and oblivious to your surrounding"

        "Ouch that's harsh, so what's up"

"Nothing much just the usual, oh Sasuke said hi when I told him I'm going to call you later"

           "So what's he doing there is he still playing basketball or something?"

"Yeah and his dad started to train him to be your bodyguard in the future"

           "That's good, hey visit me sometimes
     when you're not busy"

"I will"

Naruto smiled he felt happy just talking to her. They continued to talk until midnight. Naruto slept with a smile on his face.


A time skip will happen on the next chap.


NARUTO = TWO FACED = [Naruto x Sakura]  Fan. Fic.                   MODERN!!!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz