Doug Rattmann

456 13 4

@meme600: "I dare Rattmann to come out of hiding."

GLaDOS: Rattmann... Is that the one who's destroying all of my chambers with his poorly made dens?

Chell: It sounds like it. Probably, actually... I've been in a few of them....

GLaDOS: When you catch a disease, you're on your own... *Knocks on panel.* Hey! I know you're in that panel! Come on, you always go to this one, I know you're here!

Chell: Just come out, already!

5 Minutes of shouting for Rattmann, he finally decided to come out...

Doug: What? Why's everyone staring at me? Was it something I said?

GLaDOS: You didn't say anything... You just destroyed Aperture...

Doug: I didn't 'Destroy' anything, I survived. Besides, you're saving plenty of money with the one room full of air trick so you're basically rich enough for 6 more Apertures. Hey, who's that blue guy?

Wheatley: I'm-

GLaDOS: Raises mechanical claw in front of Wheatley* Shhhhhhhh... You know the dare.

Wheatley: But-

GLaDOS: Shhhhhhhh...

Chell: What dare was that?

GLaDOS: He was dared to be quiet for two chapters, I just didn't tell you because you obviously wouldn't have approved. The moron couldn't even handle that, I see.

Wheatley: I! AM NO-

Chell: *Puts finger over his optic* Shhhhhhhhh... I think we have a new member...

Doug: Member of what?

GLaDOS: You'll see...

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