Two: Unknown

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It wasn't normal for us to be in some kind of trouble, I mean personally, we were the good kids. She was my best friend, and she never really let me get into any kind of mischief. But today was different, we were in some deep shit.

"I cannot believe you made me do this!" She screamed while running behind me.

"Oh come on Claire! You agreed to do what I wanted today!" i said speeding up.

"I didn't think we'd be hard core pranking a TEACHER!"

"We weren't going to pick flowers, idiot." i said rounding a corner and pulling her into the closest building.

Mr. Rodriguez rounded the corner, and searched for us. He had paint everywhere. I might have maybe rigged his door to dump paint on his head. He didn't even see us. Perfect prank for the dick of our school.

"I'll find out who you are!" he yelled. "And you'll be sorry!"

He walked back to the building, into his car, and sped off. Although we didn't mean to interrupt his "date", which happened to be senior Ashley Smith, but we did get a good laugh out of it. I thought the funniest part was when Claire decided instead of being quiet, she should gasp as loud as possible, and cause our immediate flee.

"That was DISGUSTING." Claire said looking at me with wide eyes.

"She is a hoe... I mean what did you expect?" I said looking at her.

"We are going to turn him in right...?"

"What!? No! They know somebody knows, so we're gonna use it against them."

"But, we have no proof..." she said confused.

"Well, I might've, maybe, taken a few photos with my phone before you decided gasping your lungs out was a good idea."

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" she screamed at me as I left the building, her following closely behind.

I loved Claire, since the first grade she's always been there for me. Now, she was my sister. In a metaphorical way. She was only 5'3", but damn she was beautiful. She had long blonde hair, and the deepest green eyes. Although her face was round, she was not fat, nor was she a skinny twig. She wasn't totally fit either, but she was healthy. Running with me, made her tired. She might've ran track, but it didn't make her a super athlete. She was always telling me no. She was like my mother.

I've never had a mother. Or a father, only my grandparents. I was dropped off at their house when I was maybe a year old. No memories can be recalled. There is nothing there, don't ask me why. I feel like there's a wall, just blocking me out. I want to know them, I just don't. Legally, tomorrow I'll be 18... an adult. I sure feel like a child though. My grandfather wants to throw me "A Big Bash!" as he would call it. I'm not into all that.

As an 18 year old, I really don't expect much. My hair is black, and to my shoulder blades. My eyes aren't huge, but many people love to compliment how big they are, and the icy blue color, was rare. I was paler than most people, and my dark hair was in huge contrast with this. People could point me out of a crowd, and they wouldn't hesitate to do that. I'm only 5'5", and I am thin. I don't do sports, don't even ask. I can't stand physical activity, but I'm not out of shape. Maybe I have a fast metabolism... I don't know. I'm not one to usually fall in love, but I was. It's been two years since I met Draven. He's my best friend (other than Claire of course) and we're happy.

My name is Adrianna. I'm not anything special, I'm normal. Or at least somewhat normal... I'm the girl nobody fucks with. You have a problem, tell me to my face, and then get punched. Usually nobody does, I mean I don't have a perfect record... I might have been suspended a couple of times for fighting, but they came up to me. I'd call it self defense if anything. I've been raised knowing that I don't have to take peoples shit. Since I was 6 I've been in Taekwondo. I'm a black belt and a licensed teacher for the building. I teach the little kids how to kick and punch, they're so cute! But anyway, that's me.

"You know me better than anyone Claire, what did think was going to happen?"

"A harmless prank on our terrible teacher!" She yelled jogging to catch up.

"That's funny!" I said sarcastically. "He gave me a D, I'm pissed and I'm getting revenge."

"Ari (That's what everyone calls me at school) you can't be serious." She said glaring at me.

"Totally serious, and you can't tell anyone because you're an accomplice!" I said mocking her.

"I hate you." She said sticking her tongue out at me.

"Yeah, whatever."

I smiled at her as she walked with me to her car. She drove me home while telling me all about how I could get expelled for this. I got out and she yelled through her window that if I got expelled she would "kill" me. I laughed and walked into my house, looking for my Pap.

"Grandpa?" I yelled into the empty home.

I walked into the kitchen, and the stove was on. As I walked to turn it off, the fridge beeped because it had been open for too long. I turned and closed the fridge, then looked at the stove.

"Grandpa!?" I yelled looking down at the unconscious man.

I bent down and quickly took his pulse. There was one, but it was faint. I scrambled to the phone, calling 911 immediately. They immediately came into the house, and took him away. Grandma was just arriving home from the store when they took him outside. She got in the ambulance with them, and left me behind. I knew nothing about it... I had no idea what went wrong. I was in the Unknown.

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