Eight: Taken

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"She'll never do what we want. She thinks we killed her grandparents."

"We just saved her from being taken. I would say she'll do anything we want her too."

"Sir, you don't understand, I know her. I've been with her for about two years now."

His voice was all too familiar. Something that would pull me out of the darkness, not into it. I could've recognized him from anywhere. The bag was ripped off my head, and I was blinded by lights. I could feel I was chained down to the chair I sat in. Wooden, and uncomfortable. I shuffled a little in my seat, wanting to move more but I couldn't. The lights faded, and I could see everything around me.

White room, one window. Obviously they could see me from the other side but I couldn't see them. I know how this works. The ceiling was a tinted grey color, the lights, classic rods of LED bulbs. I looked to the door, and it wasn't one. There was no door in this room. Then suddenly a piece of wall, sliced in half, and lifted from the top and pulled from the bottom. In the opening stood a man, who looked to be around 30. He had dark hair, and he was in a suit. Across his left eye was a scar, like 'Scarface'. He looked to be badass, but I wasn't afraid of him. Next to him stood a boy about my age. He was blonde, and had blue eyes. Not my color blue, darker. They looked to be Navy. I tried to speak, but I was still gagged. The boy took away my gag and I coughed up some blood.

"Fuck." I spat.

"Welcome dear. You should be very proud of yourself, you haven't died yet." He chuckled softly then looked to the boy. "Untie her you fool."

"Sorry Father." He said unlocking my chains.

I stretched and then grabbed one of the chains. I've used chains as weapons before. In class, you just whip it like string, just a very heavy string. Slowly I bent down like I was putting it down, and then immediately spun it at the boy. He was hit in the back, and he fell on one knee. The Older man looked at his son and then at me angry.

"Girl, put that down." He snapped at me.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? You don't own me." I snapped and struck him in the chest.

He yelled out, and I jumped over both of them. Where the hell am I!? My head was spinning, but I focused on getting out, a knife struck the wall in front of me, and I ducked as I heard another whistle in the wind. I turned and saw the boy, looking at me. I smirked slightly, and grabbed both of his knives. Before I had the chance to dodge, the next one struck me in the shoulder. I screamed and he laughed at me.

"Oh Babe, you can't leave here. You can't escape." He called down the hall.

"Screw you." I said pulling out the knife.

I screamed in pain as I threw it across the floor. The red began to spill and the white began to stain. I wasn't afraid to bleed a little. Nobody else was in the halls, and it was only him and I. slowly, I stood, my shoulder making a streak of blood up the wall. He pushed me into the wall, and I cringed in pain.

"It's only me and you Baby. Who will save you now?"

"Jordan!" someone yelled from behind us.

"Ah, that's who."

Jordan let me go, and down the hall stood someone I'd never expect to see here. He ran with 'Father' behind him. His emerald eyes pierced mine as he picked me up from the floor.

"Draven. You, you're here." I said pushing his hands off of me.

"Baby, listen to me." He said looking into my eyes "We didn't kill your grandparents. It wasn't us, we were the ones trying to protect you."

"Why, you're like my dad...?" I asked shocked and barely able to speak to him.

"You mean a spy? Yes I am, but that's beside the point here."

"BESIDES THE POINT!?" I screamed pushing him away from me.

My shoulder was burning and my shirt was almost completely covered in my blood. Jordan stood there next to his Father, as Draven tried to calm me down. I could feel I was losing too much blood. I fell against the wall, my blood slowly dripping down the wall. God, this was a deep cut.

"You could've killed her!" Draven said shoving Jordan back.

"She wouldn't cooperate with what we wanted."

"I told you, she wasn't just going to agree. She doesn't know anything about us, she barely understand why she's here. You throwing knives at her wasn't helping!"

"She fought Scott in her own home with no problem, she should've been able to defend herself against me as well."

"You bastard." He growled at Jordan.

"Boys, just get her to the infirmary. Before we lose her. You both know we need her for something more, something bigger than this." Father said as he walked away.

Draven lifted me, and took me down the hall and into an elevator of sorts, and we went up at least twenty floors. I was losing my sight, everything was blurry. I was hearing bits and pieces. 'Losing too much blood' and 'might not make it'. The most distinct sentence though, was that of Draven's voice.

"If she dies, you're dead as well Jordan. This is the love of my life, and if she leaves me, you leave us all. PERMANENTLY."

"She won't die, Draven. We need her for Project X. Her father especially designed it to only work on her, don't you see? If she dies, we're all goners anyway."

"I don't care about the project anymore Jordan, I only care about her."

"Project X is your job, and will always be your job. You never would've met X without this agency. Remember where you stand Draven."

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