Thirteen: The Dark

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"That was, correct." Jordan said looking at me.

"I know my shit." I said cockily.

"Uh-huh. Now what is the first thing you should do if the experiment goes wrong?"

"Detach myself from the injectors, and get out of the tube."

"And...?" He pushed on.

"Take the antibody that will immediately kill off any mutated cells in order to not die." I said annoyed.

"Good work. In the situation you can't escape the pod?"

"I will die for the Project." I said nervously.

"And in the situation the antibody doesn't work?"

I didn't want to think about that. If it didn't they would have to evacuate the lab, and Draven would have to watch me die from outside the door. He would never forgive me knowing that I had to die, if the Project goes bad... it's my only option. Claire would have Derek, but who would Draven have? Nobody, maybe his brother, but not like he would need.

I must've zoned out because Jordan snapped his fingers in my face. I looked back up at him and he frowned. Then I felt the tear drop from my eye. I wiped it away quickly and went back to answering his question.

"You must evacuate the lab, and watch me as I die to make sure the pathogen doesn't come with me. Draven and all my friends will watch me perish, while being held back by extremely large security guards."

"I know this is hard to say and to accept, but it is the only way things will go." Jordan said.

"I understand."

"In the event that the tube malfunctions in the middle of the mutation injection?" he asked finally.

"Ezekiel (one of the guards) will evacuate the lab as Jonathan breaks the tubes glass, wearing a hazard suit. As Claire tries to turn the machine off, Derek will get everyone out as well. Draven cannot be present at this time. If I do not make it, he will lose his shit. If Claire cannot stop the injection within 30 seconds, she will immediately be escorted from the room, and Jonathan will start the injection of 'The Killer' which will kill all mutated cells."

"Agent X, you know there is more."

The doors opened but I didn't look who as I continued on with the answer.

"Along with killing the cells, 'The Killer' will destroy any cells in the area, thus creating a mass execution in my body, therefore causing my immediate death. This is only because the mutation cannot be cleared until fully done, so if it does not finish I will die..."

"X. Go on." Jordan pushed.

"I will die in order to keep everyone else safe."

"How does her death keep everyone else safe, Jordan!?" Draven yelled.

"This is standard procedures for Project X, Draven. You can't keep her safe forever. She will either succeed, or die in the process. If Claire does her job right, then she'll be fine."

"Watch your mouth, Preppy." Derek snapped holding onto Claire.

"Maybe you should be working Claire, instead of hanging out here. If the Project goes wrong, this time is wasted... Don't you think?" Jordan said looking into Claire's eyes.

"You're right." She said walking out and towards the lab.

Derek followed and then Draven, angry and in need of someone to beat on. He was going to find the closest challenge, then take it on full force. God this was so messed up. But I had to do this. I wanted to do this.

"Draven! C'mon man!" Derek yelled.

"Lesson, over. Be prepared for tomorrow, Agent X."

"I will."

I ran outside, and Derek was struggling to keep Draven calm. He wasn't having any of it. This guy, must've accepted the challenge not realizing that he was about to face a demon for a man. Derek was thrown to my feet, and I helped him up. He rubbed his shoulder as Claire came to his side. Draven had lost it, because the thought, a mere thought, of losing me was too unbearable.

"Draven, c'mon!" I yelled walking through the group who surrounded the two.

He didn't hear me, but the boy who faced him did. He turned towards me and then was hit in the face. Distractions weren't every helpful in this kind of fight. I pushed everyone out of my way, and before Draven could hit the kid, I caught his fist, and curled his arm behind his back. He cried out. I put my knee in his spine, and took him to the ground.

"Everyone leave!" I yelled.

They all began to move out of our sites, and then Derek helped me get him up. Claire looking at his bruises on his face, and then said she was going to the lab. Derek left with her, leaving me and Draven alone in the hallway. He was on the ground, looking defeated. He looked up at me, then pulled me to him. His lips met mine, and I sighed. I haven't kissed him or touched him like this since before my grandparents died. He pulled us up, and pushed me against the wall. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and ran my fingers through his hair. God, I missed this. But, then my training came to mind... I could die tomorrow, and this would be a possible trigger to make him even more unstable.

"Draven." I said breathlessly.

"You're tired aren't you?"

"Very much so." I said laughing.

He smiled, that good awfully sweet smile that made me melt, and he walked with me. As we entered our room. He pulled me to his bed, and laid down next to me. I looked into the emerald color eyes filled with sorrow, and I frowned a little. He didn't notice... he just smiled like he was okay. I knew he wasn't, tomorrow, his girlfriend is to undergo a dangerous experiment, which could possibly kill her. Who would be okay with that? I sure wouldn't be. As I fell asleep I realized that I didn't even know what Project X was for, what would happen to me, or who I was going up against. I was in the dark.

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