Twenty Two: The Job

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"We have to get our case back. He's the first asset we have against them."

"But he's in the other safe house, is he not?" Claire asked.

"Derek stop telling her EVERYTHING." Jordan said glaring at Derek.

"Dude she's my everything." He said looking down at Claire.

"Anyway. We need him back in order to even begin. He knows the location, he knows the maps. He is their system."

"Why are we standing around here then?"

"Because, Father is still expecting us to have something." Draven said looking over at me.

As those words were said, someone came running in. He looked to be around 22, and his hair was a dark brown. His eyes were a light hazel, and he was smiling at all of us. Draven looked at him, and then smirked. Jordan looked at him, and did the exact opposite. He was a little angry someone had come into the room, especially this person. He looked at us and immediately stopped on me.

"Is this her?" he said walking forward. "Is this our success?"

"Kyle, what are you doing here? You know dad doesn't like it when you" Jordan began to say.

"Dad said it was alright, since you know. I helped invent the serum that created her."

"This isn't the time to be sightseeing Kyle." Jordan snapped.

"Awe, but she's so perfect. Why haven't you told her yet, J? She'll have to find out eventually."

"She already knows, now please Kyle. Go back to the lower levels."

He snatched the file from the table and began reading. I snatched it back, and he stood tall against me. He touched my hair, and then looked into my eyes. His own here jolting up and down, looking at my uniform, and then my weapon. He spun me and then began to look me up and down again. Jordan pushed him away and gave him a look.

"Oh, older brothers got a crush on the other mutant huh?"

"Kyle, please." Jordan said, almost begging.

"That man, up on your screen? He is here. In the interrogation room 340. He's been here since this morning when Father called everyone to the main hall."

"What?" Derek said standing.

Draven looked at Derek, and then they bolted out to the elevator. Kyle watched them as they left, and then looked back at us. Claire pulled me to her, and sat me down.

"This job, it's more than the usual one. I want to know, can you handle this now? I mean we'll be sneaking, and killing, and most likely capturing people. Agents, bosses, anyone who we need we will get. And we'll be fighting. A lot. And hurting a lot."

"Claire I know what the stakes are. I'll be fine. I have you guys to keep me sane."

"Ha-ha very funny."

"So, Agent X. What's the powers like? Are they as successful as we hoped?" Kyle said sitting across from Claire and I.

"I mean I suppose so. I couldn't really tell you about them, there is still much to learn."

"Good, I was hoping they'd be abundant." He stated looking at Jordan. "When Jordan was mutated, his powers were limited, and almost useless. I wanted to create something more dangerous, more lethal."

"Thanks." Jordan said sarcastically.

"Seriously though. I wanted something more complex, more metal rather than physical. I wanted to create the Phoenix, and I succeeded. White hair and demon eyes are the side effects, no? I went into the training room, the day after the 'accident' and was greatly impressed by your skills. Fire from nowhere, how amazing."

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