Thirty Two: Making It

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"No, no, no." she stated simply.

"You can't give her the anti-mortal. It will kill her. Her mutation is killing off any immortal that was injected into her body."

"But, that's impossible. The immortal is immortal, it isn't being killed off. It's being absorbed."

"I'm sorry Claire, we've tested it already, and the only thing relevant is her mutation."

"Alright, just give me a minute with her okay?"

"Of course."

The door opened and closed, and soon I felt her leaving my side. The door was locked, and she closed the blinds. My eyes were shut, but I could hear it all. I couldn't quite open my eyelids just yet, and it was annoying. She was looking for something. And when she found it she sighed softly.

"I hope this works..." she said and then stuck something into my neck.

I winced slightly and she laughed. She stroked my hair and suddenly I was relaxed. My body seemed to melt, just became jelly. Then it snapped back, and I snapped up. I breathed out sharply. I looked to Claire, and she smiled.

"Your eyes, they aren't all black. Did I do that?"

"No, the mutation they gave me was the exact opposite and it took away the blackness of my eyes. Now they glow gold, like Jordan's glow blue."

"How interesting."

"Yeah, what did you just do?"

"Gave you the anti-mortal." She stated.

"YOU WHAT!?" I screamed eyes glowing.

"Did you want to be immortal?" she snapped at me.

"No, but I sure as hell didn't want to die." I said standing from the hospital bed.

I cringed in pain, and held my stomach. I could feel the stitches through the clothes they had put me in. The white clothes weren't so white anymore. They stained red where my stitches were, from when I was healing. They were loose clothing, and I saw my uniform on the chair. It was torn and there was no white left. My sword laid across the chair, along with the holster and gun I had taken from my Grandfather. Grandfather! I looked to Claire, and she smiled giving me some new training gear.

It was black, and tight. She helped me into them, because on my own, I was dying in pain. I smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was white as snow, they had washed the blood out of it. My eyes weren't black anymore, they were in fact normal, just golden. I smiled at Claire who was staring at me in the mirror. She smiled back and then handed me my sword. I strapped it to my back, and then the gun to my thigh. She walked out before I did, and I followed her to the main floor. She was walking towards Fathers office, where I heard the doctor arguing with Draven.

"She can't just lay there becoming an immortal." Draven yelled at the doctor.

"She will die when given the Anti-mortal, all signs and tests run point to death."

"Please Draven," Father began, "She won't be any good to us unless she is healing as the doctor's plan for her too."

"But, sir. She is no good to us as an immortal. The power she would have? It would engulf her." Draven said a look of concern on his face.

Claire walked in first and the doctor smiled at her. She smiled back, then sat down in front of Father. Draven stood behind her, the doctor next to him.

"She isn't going to become immortal. The mutation cells were attacking the immortal cells, killing them off. She'll be better in no time." The doctor said assuring them if my recovery.

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