Eleven: Found

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Not like I didn't want to see my best friend, the one person who I had no secrets with... but it was tough especially when she'd been keeping this from me. I got over what Draven said, but because I love him... and he was so persistent. Claire, it was different, I've never lied to her before, and I expected the same thing.

"I don't know if I can do this guys, I mean she straight out lied to me." I said stopping as we walked down the hall.

"C'mon. It'll be fine." Derek said looking through the door.

It was labeled 'Laboratory', a lab really Claire? She hates science... she always have. As we walked in, she was there, her back to us. She was typing on her computer, her headphones shoved in her ears. Behind her stood a tube, big enough to fit me. Lights flashed, and the tube opened slightly. Smoke rolled out, and Claire stood going toward the tube. She opened it the whole way and put something inside. It looked to be a rat, or a small mouse. She went back to the control panel, without even looking or acknowledging us, and clicked her nails upon the keyboard. Then suddenly the tube flashed as she clicked the last button, and sat back and watched.

Derek went behind her, making her jump from her seat. I turned around to walk out, but Draven caught me and held me there, making face them. Derek had Claire's back to me, and took out her headphones.

"Someone is here to see you." Derek said turning her to face me.

"Ari..." she said trailing off.

"Agent X!" Father said walking in behind us.

"Agent X?" Claire asked confused looking at me.

"Yes, this is the infamous, Agent X. Agent Hendricks, are the trials done? Are we ready?" he asked looking at Claire.

"Sir, these rats, they're vitals are too great to test them anymore. We've never tested a human, and with that come the dangers of well..."

"Spit it out Claire." Derek said looking at his girlfriend.

"Death, sir. Agent X... could die." She said turning back to the table of buttons and switches.

"I can die from this!?" I yelled

"Sir, that isn't acceptable." Draven said sternly.

"This is the only way, Draven she was your mission. She was all our missions. We all need to stop pretending like we actually care." Derek said taking Claire by the waist.

"Good Derek. Now Draven, Claire? Let's get this show on the road. You both care, that's fine but stop caring. She must focus on the task at hand."

"Yeah guys, stop caring." I said stepping away from Draven, and toward Father. "Focus on the task at hand."

"Ari, I'm your best friend, I can't just do that. Don't expect me to wither." She snapped at me, and giving Father a dirty look she stated "I will leave this program if I cannot see her. You have nobody else with my expertise in this machine. I shall not hesitate to pack and fly out tomorrow."

"Agent Hendricks, she was only a job." Father said looking over at me. "And now the job is done."

"She's more than a job to us sir, she changed our lives. And became so close she wasn't just a job, she was family." Claire said looking at me.

"I love this girl with all my heart, and I will not be told by you, sir, to leave her when she needs me most. I won't do that, I won't abandon her like this. I love her." Draven said pulling me to him, and kissing my neck.

"I suppose." Father said. "Just finish Project X Hendricks, and get ready X. The tests are going to begin soon."

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