Seven: Darkness

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"It's not something that everyone has. I mean you caught the guy red handed." Derek said as he held Claire close to his body.

"I am kind of freaked though, what if he decides not to care?" Claire said turning to me.

"Oh, he cares. It's his career on the line. I am the only one who knows about these pictures, I mean other than Claire, we only know who it was."

"It's someone that goes here?"

"No!" Claire said all too nervously.

"Claire, don't lie to me." He said in an angry tone.

"Don't speak to her in that tone." I snapped pulling Claire to me.

He looked at me with a childish angry look, like I took his toy. Suddenly Mr. Rodriguez burst into the hallway, and immediately came towards us.

"You stupid girl!" He yelled.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked turning around.

"You think this is a game we're playing here? This is my career, this is her life! This isn't something you share with an authority figure."

"I'm sorry sir, I have no idea what you're talking about. I have nothing against you, or your mistress. Aren't you married, Mr. Rodriguez? What about you wife, and your son? I mean I don't know about you, but that seems more important than a simple 'fling'." I said turning away and walking to history.

"Miss Johnson!" he yelled. "You don't know who you're messing with!"

"Actually, sir..." I said turning to him "I do."

I turned once again and went into history. The day went on, and I was still conflicted. I wondered if I should keep this going, or just erase the pictures permanently. But where's the fun in that? This isn't a game, Mr. Rodriguez was right. But I wasn't done with this. He was in the wrong, I was doing everyone a favor. He would keep us all happy, or he'd lose it all.

"You can't keep it up forever." Draven said turning to look at me.

"I can damn well try. I'm a step ahead. He has nothing on me." I said looking at the board, and began to take my notes.

It's not like I was actually going to destroy him. I mean, lord knows I'd never do that. But I will use it to my advantage.

"It isn't safe for you. You could get into some serious trouble, and if they found out that you'd been hiding this for so long. They'll take you in, you'll be questioned and prosecuted Ari. I'd lose you to the system."

"You worry too much. I'll be fine. I'm a big girl I can take care of myself."

He turned around, frustrated and began to take his own notes. The class went on, as did he day. During Mr. Rodriguez's class, he never looked at me. Never once did he make eye contact with me. Pathetic man. The day ended, and I went home with Draven.

"Babe, can you delete those pictures?" he asked as we walked into his house.

"Draven. You know what he's done? That's a crime."

"You want the man to lose his job, his family over it...?"

"No. But I want him to know that I'm in charge here, that I'm in control. I want him to feel weakness."

"Ari, what did he do to you?"

"He gave me a D. He's always been rude to me, and I always felt that I was too weak to stand up to him. I'm always, ALWAYS, felt weak. Now it's his turn."


"Draven, please. I love you, but I can handle this."

We started our homework, and by the time we were finished, I realized it was around 8:00 at night, and I had to go home. Draven drove me home, and I kissed him goodbye.

"I love you."

"I love you too Baby." He whispered to me as I got out of the car.

I smiled and got out. I immediately walked inside, and was hit by the stench of rotten something. God it was awful. I opened the windows, and opened the back door, but kept the screen closed. The air was helping, but it still smelt horrible. Where was this stench coming from? I walked into the kitchen, and the stove was on. I turned it off, before someone decided they wanted to burn the house down. On the couch, sat my grandpa. He looked to be asleep so I went around to put a blanket on him. When I rounded the couch, all I saw was blood. His throat was wide open. And he wasn't alive. I screamed and turned away. Then I noticed the blood, it was trailing from the carpet to the bathroom. I followed it, and slowly opened the door. My grandmother had a towel covering her own throat, but a failed attempt, because she was dead sitting on the bathroom floor. Both of them gone. I backed out of the bathroom, and hit the wall. I slowly walked into the kitchen, and looked into the sink. The knife I used to stab the intruder in the back was there, covered in blood... leaking into the drain, down into the sewer. I covered my mouth in shock and turned away. I screamed again in agony. I ran, ran into the hallway, and into their room. Their blood covered all the walls. They used it as ink. They used their blood as ink on the walls.

Their blood lies on the floor, their bodies in the house. Can you see now Princess? You were not meant to find us, you were not meant to see us doing our dirty work. Now we've taken everything from you. So where will you go now? Who will you destroy next? Who will be our next victim? You decide, Princess.

"No. No. This wasn't my fault. I caught someone in the wrong, I didn't do anything to them." I whispered reassuringly.

"You sure about that, Princess?" someone said behind me.

I screamed and ducked as he tried to touch me. Two others grabbed me, and gagged me. Putting a bag over my head... I could feel something was on the rag in my mouth. I tried to stay awake. I truly did. But after about two minutes of fighting, I couldn't. And I fell, deep, I fell deep into the darkness I was afraid of.

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