Four: Viewer Discretion is Advised

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I didn't sleep that night, who would? Knowing someone has been in your home, harmed your family, and stolen something from you? I was up all night.

"You should've slept for at least an hour." Claire said picking me up for school.

"I don't know, would you? Knowing that they could be coming back?" I asked with a worried voice.

"I guess not, I mean... I wouldn't even be looking into this if it was me."

"Well I'm definitely not you." I said chuckling.

"Yeah, you're the badass. I'm the goody two shoes, we all have our roles." She said laughing.

She parked and we both sat there for a few seconds before we got out. Everyone was going to know what happened to Mr. Rodriguez, and to my grandpa. All in the same day? How fun! Everyone watched us we walked into the halls. They all avoided eye contact, like if they looked at me, they'd be in trouble too. Claire walked to her locker, and I to mine. Which was only about two feet away, but still it was a distance.

I felt someone watching me from afar, and I turned and saw who other than, Ashley herself. I smirked and turned back around as she looked away, pretending she didn't notice me. Someone hugged me from behind and I smiled. He always smelled of vanilla and warm honey. I loved that about him.

"Hey baby" he whispered into my neck.

His voice was smooth, and it made me melt. His hair was dark brown, and his eyes were green. They were the color of emeralds, and I loved them. He was about three inches taller than me, so I had to look up to see him. His face was so structured, it was nearly perfect. Too good to be true? But he was. He wore a tight black shirt, that clearly showed how built he was. His hair shagged into his face, and I brushed it out of his eyes he smiled. His smile, god I wanted to fiercely make-out with him right then. He was my one and only, and hey, don't judge me for falling for the one man, who if I needed too could take care of me. I knew it was the right choice when I went steady with him. Nobody but us, and he liked it that way.

God he was protective, almost too protective. When anyone of the male species so much as looks at me for too long of a time, he gives them the nastiest stare ever. Once, James, the captain of the football team... he was cute, but not my type. Anyway, he decided it would be cool if he grabbed my ass, and pulled me to the wall, to try and make-out with me. Right in front of Draven. Draven freaked out. Mind you, this was at a party, and we were all pretty drunk. Draven threw him across the room, with little to no effort. I was utterly shocked, by both James bravery and Draven's strength.

That was my Draven, Protective and God-like. We were happy, Claire was too. Derek and Claire were your typical, "relationship goals" as people called it. They had it all, good families and perfect lives. Draven and I connected over our lack of families. His mother died when he was about 5. His father wasn't very good at his job as father, so Draven became reluctant to do work, and a rebel of some sorts. He's different now, but he used to be such a bad kid.

"C'mon" he said pulling me with him.

He put his hand on my butt, and I slapped it away, pulling from his grip. He chuckled and followed me to class. We had the one, and the only, Mr. Rodriguez.

"This should be fun." I said walking in.

"Ari, what did you do...?" Draven asked me trailing off.

I looked at him, then turned and took my seat. This class has been hell, and now I'm in heaven. Draven sat next to me, and watched Mr. Rodriguez closely, it was weird. He seemed more calm than usual. He looked at me and smiled, almost like he knew what I had done. I smirked ever so proudly. Before he began to teach, he looked at me.

"Miss Johnson, please come up to the front of the classroom." Mr. Rodriguez said simply.

"Um, okay..?" I said standing.

I slowly walked to the front of the room, with a concerned Claire watching me as I went. I turned to face the room, a bored look on my face. Everyone looked confused, and soon enough I was too. Mr. Rodriguez was shuffling through his desk, looking for something. When he found it, he walked up next to me. In his hands, was Claire's iPod? Her eyes went wide, as he looked at me. She must've dropped it when we had to rush out of the building. I kept my cool, even though on the inside, I was screaming. I wanted to punch myself for bringing her into this.

"Have you ever seen this Miss Johnson?" Rodriguez asked shoving it close to my face.

Draven shifted slightly in his seat, uncomfortable of how close Rodriguez was getting to me. I looked into his emerald eyes reassuringly. He smiled slightly, then shifted again. Slowly I turned to face Rodriguez, my face straight.

"No sir, I have not. If you're trying to accuse me of something, I suggest you say it out loud in front of the class." I snapped at him.

"Alright then Miss Johnson." He said walking towards the class. "Class, what is the punishment for trespassing on school property after hours? Mr. O'Connell?"

"Uh, sir? Isn't that a felony? That would be immediate expulsion." O'Connell said worried.

"Good work son. Now Miss Johnson, this has the initials C.H. on the back, engraved into its white posterior. So shall we guess who's this is?" Rodriguez said looking immediately at Claire.

"No, sir I don't think we should." I said making sure my tone was serious.

"And why is that Miss Johnson? Do you know someone who has these initials, other than Miss Claire Hendricks?" He said looking back at Claire.

"Because sir, while that iPod may or may not be Miss Hendricks, I have something much more valuable to you than a simple expulsion."

"And that is?"

"After class Mr. Rodriguez, this is far too inappropriate for some student's eyes." I said sweetly walking back to my seat.

Mr. Rodriguez looked at me with a confused look, then went back to his lesson. As class went by, he would look at me occasionally, with wonder in his eyes. Like what did I have that he didn't? I knew for a fact he couldn't trace that iPod back to Claire or I, I mean, how many possibilities for names are there?

"Ari, I don't like the idea of you staying after with, just him." Draven said taking my arm.

"Babe, I'm fine." I said pulling away.

The funny thing was I wasn't staying after. I composed an e-mail. Titling it 'Viewer Discretion is Advised' I sent the photos, and left the classroom. The satisfying look of fear on Mr. Rodriguez's face as I left, was priceless.

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