Ten: Scars

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Another slice, too close for comfort. Then when I wasn't watching, one to my back. I screamed in pain. As Father, Jordan, and Draven watched from above, I fell down for, for god knows how many times I've fallen in pain today. Draven was the only one who stood, concerned for my safety. My training had been for hours now, with no breaks at all. I had cuts all over my body. A deep gash in my right thigh, from stupidity of not jumping, cute along my forearms and biceps, from blocking god knows how many attempted blows to my chest. Scott was intense, and I wasn't as well trained as he was. The cut on my back became warmer as more blood flowed out. I got up but, then couldn't support my own weight. Down on one knee, I placed my left hand on the ground, and stayed there. My breathing was ragged and sharp, my lungs trying to get as much as possible. I knew I wasn't going to be able to get up again. I was losing too much, without getting anything in return for it. Scott looked up at Father, and he nodded his head. As Scott walked up to me, my eyesight became blurry, but I blinked it away. He pulled me up by my hair and made me look at the booth above us. Draven was staring not at me, but at Scott with the nastiest look ever. Jordan and Father left, with Draven following. As they came down, the front two consulted, but Draven was silent when they stopped in front of us.

"Well done, X. You've shone you can do much for an untrained Agent." Father said taking me by the arm.

"She still needs to work on her form, but other than that she's doing wonderfully." Scott said letting me go.

I dropped, and Father caught me before I fell, slowly he helped me up, with Draven supporting my hip. They took me to the medical examiner, who stitched me up. No morphine was given, no pain was reduced. I cringed every time my skin was penetrated by the needle.

"You did well today baby." Draven said kindly looking at my wounds. "I'm sorry that you had to go through all this."

"I love you Draven." I said kissing his cheek.

"Great now she's taken again." Jordan said scowling at Draven.

"She was always mine, don't get it mixed up again." Draven said growling at him.

"Babe." I said looking into his eyes. "Please no more tough-guy, we get it you're a badass."

"X, we must show you the corridor you are to sleep in." Father said walking in.

"Sir, you said she wouldn't be sleeping in a corridor, those men. They're, well, they're animal's sir." Draven said looking at Father with worry in his eyes.

"Don't stress Draven, she has a fantastically trained roommate."

We walked from the Examining room, well they walked and I limped as fast as possible. Up to floor 120, and then out of the elevator we went. This wasn't what I was expecting. As we walked, the hallway seemed to get wider. The rooms began from one, and went to, well let's just say there was a lot of rooms. They were across from each other, each room a different style based upon the person I guess. Scott went into his room, which has knives all over his walls. How fitting. Jordan went into his own, which was organized and clean. Like a prep boy's central, until half of the room was painted black, and another boy sat at the desk, engulfed in some sort of book. I didn't meet him, never saw his face. We got to room 65, and Draven went in, it was just like his room at home. His bed was a deep grey, and his computer had pictures flashing as a screen saver. They were all of... us. I smiled softly at his dorky laugh. He looked at Father confused, when the other side of the room was empty.

"Sir, where did Sam go?"

"He switched rooms due to assignments. X, welcome home." Father ushered me in, and I fell into Draven's arms.

"Well hello roommate." Draven said looking down at me.

"If you wish to personalize your room, X, just tell Draven. He'll get it all for you." And he left me and Draven alone.

I looked around, connected to the wall facing south of the door was the bathroom, and it was clean, well for Draven it was clean. I laughed, and he smiled. I looked over at him, and his goofy smile made me laugh more. I walked over to my bed, and sat down. Firm, just the way I like it. There was simple necessities for tonight. One pillow, a pair of sheets, and a thick blanket. I made the bed, all the while Draven was watching me. Every once in a while I would bump one of my cuts, and whimper. He would always get up, but I would just keep going so he would sit back down. He was on his computer, looking at his high school photos of him and Derek, Derek and Claire... CLAIRE.

"Draven! What happened to Claire, and Derek!?" I yelled making him jump.

"Derek is here, obviously. I mean he's my brother, we're exactly the same, except I'm a little better." He said smiling at me. "And Claire's... well Claire's an Agent too."

"What... but, Draven was I only their missions? I mean was I only a mission to you?"

"Baby no please just let me explain!"

I was hurt, so I left. I kept going down, until I remembered which room was Jordan's and I walked in. He jumped up, and then saw my tears. He closed the door, and told me to sit down.

"I'm sorry, I just, Draven was... being a dick." I said tears rolling down my face.

"Its fine, I've got nothing, and nobody, to do tonight." He said snarkily.

His roommate had removed his headphones, and laughed cockily.

"Nobody would do you anyway." The boy at the computer said, in a voice that was all too familiar.

"Agent X, this is"

"Derek?" I asked standing from my seat.

He turned and looked at me wide eyed. His lips parted slightly as he stood from his seat, looking at me confused. All the sudden he hugged me. He laughed again and squeezed me a little tighter, couldn't breathe but I didn't care.

"Ari, what are you... Draven never said you were coming here this soon. Claire will be thrilled to know you're here!"

"No! She can't know. You all didn't tell me? I mean, that's cruel."

"Code of Conduct. Claire was so angry that she actually signed that stupid thing, she was keeping a secret from her best friend."

I smiled and laughed, hugging him again. Draven knocked at the door, and pulled me to him, apologizing again and again. I kissed him to shut him up, and then all four of us left. We were off to find Claire I guess.

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