Fourteen: The Effects of Project X

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When I woke up, Draven was gone. I stood from my bed, to see him sitting on mine, reading my favorite book. I smiled and walked to the bathroom to shower. When I got in it felt amazing. I probably stood there for a good fifteen minutes, just letting the water roll off my body. I washed my hair and my face, then got out. Drying off Draven walked in, and just stared at me. I smiled at him, and pushed him out. I put my training clothes on, and put my sword on my back. Walking out I pulled my hair up, and then tied my boots. As I stood to leave Draven kissed me fiercely. I smiled against his lips and pushed him back.

"Draven. I'm not dying today." I said sternly.

"It is a possibility, and I can't handle that."

"All procedures are being followed, and if you lose your mind they'll lock you up until you decide to be a man and get over it." Jordan said coming in.

"Watch it Preppy." Draven snapped.

I walked out with the two of them following. As we arrived at the lab, Derek stood outside. He greeted us then typed in the code to get in. We all walked in together, and Claire smiled nervously at me. She handed me a black suit, and told me to put it on. It was tight like spandex, and made my boobs much larger than they were. The neckline was a deep 'V' and my feet and hands weren't covered. As I walked out I dropped my training gear into a bag Ezekiel held up for me. I slowly walked up to my friends, and they all stared. Claire turned away to her desk and started pushing buttons and typing things on her computer faster than I've ever seen her do.

"Are you ready Agent X?" Father asked.

"Sir. Are you sure abo" Draven started.

"I'm ready" I said cutting Draven off.

He looked at me, then went back with Derek. Jordan went to Claire and began to type on his own computer, and Father stood behind them watching. Slowly I walked towards the tube, nervously looking back at Claire. She smiled reassuringly. I looked at Draven and he was still worried. I mouthed the words 'I Love You' to him and he smiled. I stepped up in the tube, and two other scientists, gave me a headset. I could hear them and speak back to them. Then the other put an I.V. into my left arm. He drew some blood and then took out the I.V. I looked out as the tube closed, and then couldn't see anything. The lights switched on, and I laid back in the designated body slot, making sure my head was comfortable. The door was clear, and all eyes were on me.

"Hey baby girl, how we doing in there?" Jordan asked.

"Really Jordan." I snapped.

"Trying to lighten the mood. Seriously any problems?"

"No, sir."

"The needles will inject you with Mutation for about five minutes in order to cover your whole body." Claire said. "Now in recent tests the rats have made it exactly three, then started to feel immediate pain. If this happens you are to tell us. The mutation should not hurt you, Adrianna. Do not lie to me."

"Alright mom." I said annoyed.

"She's ready." Jordan said.

There was a puff of air, then needles began the come in on my legs and my arms and one in my neck. I cringed a little as they penetrated my skin. Then I could feel it, and see it. The black slime like material was flowing from the large needles into my body. I immediately felt it. I tingles everywhere. My fingers felt like they were burning but it wasn't painful. My head, mostly where my hair was, started to tingle and itch. My arm and legs felt a little numb but nothing too serious.

"How we feeling?" Claire asked.

"It tingles." I admitted unconsciously.

"That's totally normal. Don't worry you'll feel a little numb too."

A minute, maybe two had passed and I still was numb. I wiggled my fingers, and noticed my nails... they were pointed like talons. Cool, I thought. Then as soon as I heard Jordan say three minutes I began to feel the pain. My organs were shifting, mutating inside of me all at once. My brain began to work overtime, and it was giving me a splitting headache. What did I expect? Happy flowers and joy? The rats couldn't handle it because they don't have the tolerance that humans do. That's where the scientist were wrong. This was safe for humans, just not normal ones. If I've been especially trained, I can do this.

"A little quiet in there, how's it going?" Jordan said.

"Honestly, it isn't that bad."

"Four minutes" Claire said into the mic.

Then it hit me. I was in extreme pain. I had felt everything all at once, and it wasn't fun. I screamed, and Draven's eyes went wide. My organs were changing too fast for me to handle. But if they stopped now I would die. My brain immediately began to, well, mutate. I could feel everything all at once. I could see Draven yelling at Jordan to shut it down, as they dragged Claire away from her desk. She was fighting them, so hard. Derek was walking to Jordan until three agents stood around the desks, blocking anyone who tried to get to me, or to Jordan.

"I can't do this! Jordan, it hurts so bad!" I screamed.

"Don't worry, 15 seconds left." He clicked some more buttons, and the rest of the mutation injected into me.

"That's all of it!" Claire yelled "We didn't prepare for that!" she screamed.

"You didn't, but I did." Father said placing a hand on Jordan's shoulder.

"Jordan! I'll kill you!" she yelled as they pushed everyone out.

I screamed in agony. It was all mutating so fast. My eyes burned along with my hands, and my head. My arms were on fire, and my throat was itching and burning. Again I screamed and Claire was crying I could hear it through her mic. Then radio silence. I couldn't hear, and I couldn't see. I couldn't feel my anything, and as the tube door opened, it all snapped back. I pushed whoever touched me to the ground, and then jumped out landing on one knee, both my palms on the ground. I felt different. I looked at my hands, and my nails were now claws. I looked down at my arms, and they were paler than usual. My hair fell down into my face, and it was white as snow. I smiled a little. Standing, I walked to a mirror on the closest wall. My eyes were all black, looked to be a demons. I stared intently at the mirror and it broke into little pieces. Did I do that?

"Very impressive." Father said.

"She is what we expected of her. She is now Project X."

"Sir, what am I?"

"You my dear, are now a mutant. But we are not sure what your main power is, but by that display, we can say you are like that of 'The Phoenix' which means, you are a telekinetic." He said proudly.

"So I have like, mind control?"

"More than that my dear, you could wipe out an entire army with just one look. Just one thought of death from you, and an entire nation could be destroyed in seconds."

"Sir," Draven said coming in with Claire and Derek "This is not what we were meant to create."

"You're wrong Draven. We were meant to create a weapon."

"She is still a person." Claire said standing tall.

"She is a person, and a valuable one. Everyone will know who's in charge now, they will know the effects of Project X."

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