Fifteen: Phoenix

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It wasn't like I meant to hurt them. They were training with me, and they were supposed to just train me to use my powers to move things. The blonde one decided that it would be smart to touch me in order to show me. The redhead immediately pulled the blonde away, but the thought of his hands on me, well it drove me mad. I had closed my eyes tightly, and in snapping them open, I pushed them back with a huge amount of force, breaking bones in their bodies. The scary thing was, for a second, just one second, I found pleasure from their pain. I realized that it was wrong, and then I ran to get help. Jordan walked in as they were taken to the Medical Center, and he smiled at me. As he walked towards me, I could see he was holding something.

He put his hands out towards me, and he was holding a suit. Not like a business suit, but a body suit. It was black, but had a belt the color of snow. I looked at it, and in the belt was different pouches, and a sheath for my sword. There was a grappling gun, an actual gun, and some smaller knives along the belt. I looked at him even more confused. As I reached for it, he snatched his hands away from my own.

"Darling, your nails. They are poisonous now... here put these on." He said handing me a pair of gloves, white like my belt.

"Okay...?" I said as he dropped the gloves into my hand.

Next he handed me white boots, and told me to go dress. I went into the training room bathroom, and slowly changed. The suit was tight, and showed off my curves. Especially because the neckline was another deep 'V' and I stared at myself. My hair was extremely white, and so was I. my eyes were, well, demon eyes. As I slipped on my boots, I literally looked like a super hero. Clipping the belt around my waist, I took my sword from my old sheath and put it into the new one. It was, well refreshing to say the least. I looked badass, and like Project X.

"Very impressive" Jordan said as I walked out.

"Thank you, but it the neckline necessary?" I asked looking at him.

"It was my personal touch." He said putting his hand over my heart, in the middle of my chest,

"Jordan." I started.

"Shush." He said as he listened intently. "You have a faint heartbeat, are you worn out?"

"Not particularly." I said as the training doors opened.

Draven walked in with his sword on his hip, he was here to train. He looked up at Jordan basically groping my chest, and his eyes went wide. He pulled out a little knife, and chucked it at Jordan's head.

"No!" I yelled and stared at the weapon coming towards us.

I just thought of the knife stopping before it hit Jordan, and well, it froze mid-air right in front of his face. He looked at the knife, and then at me. I smiled a little, proud I could save his life. Then I made the knife hit the wall opposite of us, and it stuck. I was all smiles, until I saw Draven still looking at us. He took out his sword and looked at Jordan.

"C'mon Preppy. Me and you, right here right now."

"Draven, don't." I said warning him.

"Are you going to hurt me like you did the others?" He said looking at me. "I saw what you did to them Adrianna, you almost killed them."

"It wasn't my fault. They touched me, and I reacted. I'm only just getting the hang of these powers." I snapped at him.

"Look at what you're wearing Ari! You're powers are changing you. And I don't like it." He said putting his sword away.

"Draven," I began, but Jordan grabbed my arm.

"Let him go X." He said looking into my eyes.

Draven walked out of the training room, and towards the elevator. I watched for about five seconds, and then I snatched my arm away from Jordan.

"I love him, I will not lose him over this Project." I said.

I ran out the door, and the elevator doors dinged as they were closing. Draven looked up to see me, and as I looked into the emerald colored bulbs I loved so much, I couldn't help but feel guilty. He turned away and the doors closed.

"Draven!" I yelled.

I ran and clicked the button but it was already going up, and I couldn't do anything. I looked around, and saw the stairs. I swung the door open, and ran up the flights. It felt like nothing, but by the time I got up twenty floors, I was worn out. As the elevator doors opened, I dint want him to see me. I went down the hall to our room, and then undressed. I stood there looking at myself in the mirror, and Draven walked in. As he closed the door, he didn't notice me. He turned and put his forehead against the metal, and sighed deeply. I smirked a little, just because he was so blind he couldn't see his naked girlfriend right in front of him. As he turned, he dropped whatever was in his hand, and stared at me. I looked up in the mirror, and I smiled at him. He looked at me a little confused how I had gotten here so fast, but then turned towards his computer. I looked at him, hurt. How could he deny me, at my most vulnerable?

As he typed on his computer, I took one of his shirts and put on some underwear. I guess he really didn't want me like this. Had I changed so much? There wasn't much different, my hair my eyes, and my mind. But I was still the same girl he fell in love with. As I thought about this, tears rolled down my cheeks, and I wiped them away quickly. It wasn't like me to cry, especially when I wasn't sad, just pissed that he didn't even acknowledge I was there, or that I was attractive. I stood, and walked to the bathroom. He moved around, when I wasn't in the room. I brushed my teeth, and brushed my hair out. I looked into the brush, and noticed that the hair I had previously brushed out was dark, and now the hairs that came out of my scalp, were now white. I smiled faintly. It was weird now, that I was so different physically, but mentally I was still Adrianna Johnson.

I walked out, and he immediately went back to the work on his computer. My heart hurt, and I could feel the tears falling down my face. I walked to my bed, and laid down. My chest shook with sobs, and I heard his chair squeak to turn and look at me. I curled into a ball, and covered my face. Why was it so hard for him to see? He had hurt me, I don't mean to be different, but I did just have my brain fucked with until it mutated completely. I could hear his footsteps coming toward me, but then they stopped, and went back to his desk. I just cried harder. A knock came to the door and he answered it. Claire came in, and immediately came to my side.

"What did you do Draven?" Claire snapped at him.

"Me!?" He yelled. "I'm not the one who completely changed in two days, and let Jordan grope my chest."

"Draven, dude no." Derek said rubbing his temples.

I stood, angry and looked at him. God I wanted for him to feel my pain, but I wouldn't hurt him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie." I said sarcastically. "You're right, I've changed, but it's not like I just went through a mutation process, which completely FUCKED up my mind. I'm sorry for being an emotional mess, can you ever forgive me?"

"Adrianna." He said looking at me angry.

"What are you going to do, Draven? You know I can do at least ten times worse whatever you might do. Don't test me babe, I am not afraid to test my abilities on you." I growled at him.

He stared at me intently, then grabbed his sword, and pulled Derek out with him. They walked out, and I broke down in Claire's arms. She held me, stroking my hair. She told me all about her time here, and how she wasn't immediately okay with working on such a project. When her parents magically showed up here, she was all into doing her job. She built that tube by hand, and assisted Jordan in the creation of 'The Mutation'. I felt much better, but I was still pissed. Claire and I laid down, until she fell asleep. I couldn't sleep, so I played with my powers. I watched as Draven's paperweight float above my head, spinning where I directed it. Then Draven walked in, shining light on the weight, and he looked at me and sighed, going into the bathroom.

As I stared at the paperweight, my anger rose. Then all of the sudden, the weight caught on fire, and immediately disintegrated away. That thing was made of metal, it would not have just done that. As I looked around, I realized that, I had been so angry I had made a metal block, disintegrate. And then I realized, this is why they gave me my name. This was why I was The Phoenix.  

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