Eighteen: Imprisoned

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I woke in a hanging cell. Literally hanging from the ceiling. The chains were all around attached to the walls, attached to the ceiling and to the floor, was a long giant ass pole. I looked down at my hands, and they were ungloved. My clothes were gone and replaced with, prison wear? It wasn't orange, it was white, and tight. Really tight. The pants were some type of leather, and then I saw the boots. They weren't my uniform, they were combat boots. Everything was white. My cell was completely opposite, dark, damp and just plain old creepy as fuck. A clang and a rattle, and a sliver of wall slid up. Like a sliding door, but up instead of to the side. Two figures stood there, there features dark to me. The light shone behind them, and it was brighter than what was in this room. I walked to the edge of my cage, and then I could see who it was. Father and Jordan stood there staring at me. I glared into his eyes, and he looked at me the same way.


"Oh, nothing, darling." I stated looking at him closer.

He began to shake, and I smiled. I had managed to penetrate his walls, and get into his head. There was a mystery girl there, but then there was more. The secrets his father had told him, I memorized them all. I looked deeper, into the memories. He cried out and fell, Father catching him while he fell. I went down with him and kept eye contact. They were intense memories, mostly of this place, watching his Father do the trials against my mom, another about his mom. The next was about his Father, beating him for doing something wrong. Jordan cried out again, and I snapped out of his head. I was panting, and looking at Jordan. He stared at me, and then stood with his Father. He looked at Father, then back at me.

"She just, she just memorized every single memory and secret in my brain." Jordan whispered looking deeper into my eyes.

"You, you did what!?" Father shouted.

"It truly is sad how you have raised your child, sir. He deserved better."

Father clicked a few buttons, then a pathway began to form, and Father walked towards me. He looked angry, so I backed up a little. He opened the door with the key, and then grabbed my hair. He pulled me to the ground, and looked at me. I stared into his eyes, and pushed against his wall. It shattered as I used everything I had. I watched all his secrets flow passed my eyes, and I memorized all of them. Every single code, every single password. I t was a lot. I didn't want to go deeper, but I couldn't get out. There was something big hidden in the subconscious. I went deeper, and I found it. It was like a file, and as it opened, it was the Project. He had buried all the deaths, all the failures. He was hiding from it, hiding his emotions so he wouldn't have to deal with it. I saw my mother's face, she was everywhere. And finally I understood. Finally I understood why he wanted me away from him, why he locked me up. He was in love with my mother, and I had finally killed her. He wanted to break through to her, and I destroyed his chances.

"She never would've came back to you." I stated standing in front of him.

"You don't know that."

"She was gone as soon as you mutated her cells. She was gone the moment that she killed my dad."

"You don't know that, she wasn't gone completely, she could've came back to me."

"And if she did indeed come back? She wouldn't love you like she did my father. She wouldn't be pleased with anyone in this goddamn agency because you're Titan trials were a failure, and she was the result of that failure. She wouldn't be happy, she killed her husband while she was barely learning about what evils were inside of her body. She would have wanted to be dead, especially since her daughter has been locked up, and since she was mutated as well. You wouldn't be able to keep her happy, Sir."

"Maybe you're right, but I know damn well I could've kept her satisfied." He smirked at me.

He looked at me with such hatred, I thought his eyes would turn to lasers and blast me. I knew it all now, and he had no way of stopping me if I wanted to expose this agency. Which of course, I wouldn't do... but there's always going to be that possibility in the back of his mind. As he walked out of the cage, I saw Jordan. He wasn't looking at his father coming back to him, he was looking at me. He seemed to pierce my soul with his stare, and I didn't like it. As they left the room, the door slid down, and the only thing I could watch, was Jordan eyes. Like blue orbs floating in a white sky, they seemed to glow. As the bright light died, and the dimness flooded back into the room, I couldn't help but go through the memories he had. And as I searched, I got to one, that even with his broken down walls, I couldn't get to this one. It was chained up, like my cell, hanging from his memories, unwanted and unavailable. As I tried to get to it, it took too much effort, and he began to push me out again. I would have to come back to this memory another day.

I sat down on the floor, and thought. It was cold in this cell, but I felt nothing, I didn't want to feel anything, I wanted to focus on that memory. Why was I so drawn to it? I wasn't sure. Then I began to notice that his eyes actually were glowing when I saw his stare on me. They had become, not his normal Ice Blue color, but a brighter blue, like the ones you see in the fake contacts to look like a werewolf or a vampire? Yeah like those. It made me think, what was in that memory, and was it tied to the anomaly of his eyes?

As I sat there, I looked around. There was no way out, and I had no advantages here. I was Imprisoned and I don't think I'm getting out any time soon.  

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