Thirty Three: The End

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Not enough time. I didn't have enough time with any of them. My mom, or my Father. Not even my Grandfather who I slaughtered. As I laid in the tube the glass began to fog from my breath. It was colder than normal. Claire smiled at me from the desk, and I smiled back. Draven stood next to Derek, who stood behind Jordan.

"She's doing great." Jordan stated.

"Is this necessary?" Draven asked.

"Of course, she has to have the mutation at full power."

"This was what she wanted Draven." Derek said putting a hand on Draven's shoulder.

"I know."

I looked at him, staring with my now golden eyes. He looked away and I frowned. I looked at Claire and she nodded her head.

"Father, would you like to watch?" Jordan asked turning to his Father.

"Oh, yes of course."

"Hey, you ready babe?" Claire said looking into my eyes.

"Let's do this."

"Alright, Trial 456, secondary mutation recovery, do your thing."

The needles lowered, black liquid inside getting closer to my body. The needles penetrated my skin, and I cringed in pain a little. Even though I had healed, there were pains that most likely would never go away. Claire looked a little concerned, but then I relaxed. The injections started and I felt its affects immediately. My mind raced, and my eyes glowed again. I bit my tongue in order to keep from crying out.

"It's too silent inside that tube." Jordan said.

"She's trying not to scream." Draven stated simply.

"The last of the injection is going into her body, she won't be able to hold it in for that long."

And he was right. I screamed within seconds from the pain. It wasn't meant to hurt. Why did it hurt? My insides strengthened, but my mind was still racing. My eyes burned bright and my hand tingled. The screaming stopped, and I was done. The needles retracted and I breathed in relief. The door didn't open though. They didn't let me out. I tried to lift my arms, but they felt so heavy.

"The door fucking jammed." Jordan said through his mic.

"Again?" Derek asked, "I just fixed it too."

"Get her out." Claire demanded.

I looked from Claire to the door, then back to Claire. I forced my body to move, and put my hands on the glass. I looked intently at the clear panel in front of me, and slowly it began to crack. They all stopped moving around and watched. The glass cracked further, then shattered outward. I fell forward, and Draven caught me.

"I got you." He whispered as my eyes closed softly.

I smiled slightly, and then I fell into darkness. My body was shaken a few times, and then I had lost all feeling. As I drifted my memories played back. Killing my mother, kissing Jordan, killing my Grandfather, being tortured and nearly killed, twice. And then looking into Draven's eyes. Like emeralds they seemed to shine. I could feel myself smile, and then something hit me hard. The memories burned before me, and the fire engulfed me as well. I smelt rotting flesh and I almost threw up. I watched as my skin burned off, peeling like I had a sunburn. But it didn't stop falling off. My blood began to flow, and boil in places. As I watched I couldn't scream, and I couldn't move.

My eyes snapped open and I jumped up. I touched my arms, and sighed in relief. I wasn't burning. I looked around and realized I was in my room. It was dark, but the bathroom light was on. Draven wasn't in his bed, so I assumed it was him in there. I was still in my black gear, my sword lay on the table next to my bed. The gun lay right next to that. I smiled, getting down off the bed. The shower turned on, and I walked from my bed to the dresser. I pulled out a long t-shirt, and changed. My gear was uncomfortable, and I wanted to be comfy.

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