The Demon's Lair

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Laxus POV

"Laxus Dreyar reporting in. Requesting permission to engage target."

The rune on my left hand glows up, and a body projection of a green-haired man behind a smiling mask makes his appearance from the rune. He maneuvers his eyes around the castle's surrounding before deciding to heed my call.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Laxus...I find it really amusing to see you way behind schedule like this. Have you lost your touch by any chance?" He insults me by wagging his index finger at me.

"Freed, I really don't have time to put up with your antics right now. Just send my message to Ivan and get lost!"

Freed shrugs his shoulders and mocks, " Oh Laxus, with that kind of attitude, you'll never get yourself a girl- "


"Yikes! I'll be right back!" Freed disappears in a zap.

While waiting for Freed, I take my time observing my surroundings. Decaying corpses and skeletons present themselves lying on the ground, and as if that isn't creepy enough, some of them are even hanging on the dead trees. Moreover, crows are lurking in the darkness, waiting patiently to feast on the dead.

Freed suddenly pops back up. He then declares, "Laxus, Ivan has authorized you to engage target. "

"Copy that."

"Oh, and one more thing, Ivan wants you back pronto. So you'd better-"

"Over and out!"

"Hey! Not again!" Freed exclaims before I deactivate the rune.

I can't believe how much it took out of me just to talk to Freed. That guy really knows how to get on my nerves, and I swear that one of these days, I'm going to make him wish that he had never been born! But for now, I need to focus and get him off my mind.

I use my dagger as an anchor to climb up to the top of the castle pillar. From there, I glide down to the main entrance as my cloaks flutters wild in the air. Upon taking my first step on the 1st floor of the castle, I make sure to readjust my hood and the mask on my face.

I notice immediately how stagnant and chaotic the hall is. The stairways to the throne room and 2nd floor have collapsed, and there are piles of rubble everywhere. What exactly happened here 5 years ago during the "Great war of Griore"?

"Gyarrggh!!!" A groan of a demon echoes throughout the hall.

I waste no time obscuring myself behind a rubble and monitoring the situation. Not long later, a demon enters through the shattered window on the 2nd floor, followed by a huge lightning strike that reveals and stretches her shadow on the 1st floor.

She's wearing a daring purple outfit, which reveals her arms and legs. The outfit is also open on the front and the back, exposing most of her belly and wide cleavage. She also has a broad bat-like wings and a crack on her right side of the face.

Without noticing my presence, the demon soars through the 2nd floor hallway on the left side. It looks like the coast is now clear.

"Phew..." I heave a sigh of relief and wipe the dust off my cloak.

I jump, grab the edge of the left collapsed stairway, and pull myself up. I then lean beside the wall of the hallway and peek inside. The 2nd floor hallway consists of multiple rooms on the right side and a glass on the left side, and I can see from the glass that a storm is brewing outside.

The demon is strolling casually in the hallway, so I compose myself and get on my killing stance. "This is it... "

I bend down and saunter toward her, holding a dagger behind my back. My steps are silent, and my scent is almost non-existent. That is, until another huge lightning strikes down and mirrors my shadow on the glass.

The Demon & Assassin ( Fairy Tail, Miraxus )Where stories live. Discover now