Forest of Lost

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Laxus POV

No matter what I do, she won't open her eyes. Thus, I let go of my right hand on her waist and place it on top of her breast to feel her heartbeat. To my relief, I am still able to detect a faint beating pulse out of her.

Thankfully, she will never find out that I just touched her bosom...

5 Hours Later...

It's been 5 hours since I applied a secret ointment made by Freed to her forehead. I really shouldn't be wasting my time on a mission here, especially because Freed had inscribed his runes on every member of the dark agency so that he can conveniently track on our whereabouts and contact us at anytime. Nonetheless, I suspect that the rune is still capable of more, and only Freed knows.

"Tch, there is simply no trust among each other in the agency..." I lift up my left hand and glare at the purple-colored rune inscribed on its back.

That Freed... due to his pharmaceutical and mysterious rune magic abilities, he was chosen to be right-hand man of Ivan. He hides his face behind a smiling mask and reports directly to Ivan. His speed and adeptness with rapier moves have bestowed him the title of "Freed the Swift".

Even if Freed decides to contact me, I'm sure that even he won't mind a little tardiness excuse coming from the "Phantom Slayer" himself.

"Ngh..." The unconscious girl twitches and whimpers.

She slowly and opens her eyes and meets me in the eyes, and now that we are up close like this, I realize even more just how gorgeous she is. What is this strange sensation I'm feeling? To be honest, I just don't know anymore.

"Oh, it's you from before..." she murmurs.

"Don't try to talk and save your strength. You'll need it."

The unknown girls seems flustered when she realizes that she has been resting her head on my lap this whole time when she was asleep. Even so, she doesn't freak out and try to struggle away this time. In fact, she looks rather happy...

"Umm... the name's Mirajane."

"Huh? Why are you telling me this now?" I give her a curious look.

She blushes and answers, "Consider it my token of gratitude for taking care of me."

"That's fine, but don't expect me to tell you my name in return." I smug.

She quickly roll hers eyes. "I'm not asking you to."

"Anyway," I lower my head at her and ask, "how long do you plan on lying down on my lap?"

She immediately blushes and hurriedly tries to sit herself up, but immediately falls back down on my lap. I realize right away that she's still weak from her fever.

I sigh as I take out another one of Freed's drugs from my pocket. Then without giving any warning, I forcefully shove it in her mouth and choke it down her throat. I can tell already that she's not happy about it...

"Y-You... you bastard!!! That's no way to treat a lady!"

I ignore her tantrum and explain, "The pill you just swallowed will temporary cure your fever for at least 24 hours before its effect will wear off."

"Hey, you're right..." She touches her forehead with the back of her hand, "the fever's gone..." She soon gasps in disbelief and asks, "How did you get your hands on such a drug? Who exactly are you, sir?"

"It's just a drug made by my acquaintance back at the agen— I mean, the Magic Academy." I pause and add, " And I'm just a... traveler."

That was close. If I were to slip out another word, then I'd be in serious trouble. Well, at least I manage to convince her somewhat for now.

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