The Valley of Life

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Laxus POV

"Sorry. I didn't mean to pry."

She covers her upper body with her hands and stares at me in silent, though I could've sworn that she was glancing over my well-developed body before locking her eyes onto mine. Well, It happens all the time, so I can't really blame her.

"No, you have nothing to apologize for , sir. I was just not expecting to see anyone one here, that's all..."

It's very unusual for a girl to be in such a valley alone. I'm curious as to what she's really up to all the way out here. I just have to ask her...

"I see, but what business do you have in this valley? It's not safe for a defenseless girl like you to be traveling all alone out here, you know."

She replies, "But this is the Valley of Life. Look around you, sir. There are no monsters around here, just a vast and beautiful flowers field with mountains, waterfalls, and a river."

I notice her eyes now surveying the lightning scar on my right eye, but that's not what concerns me right now. I feel like I should at least warn her about the possible danger that she could encounter.

"Even so, you never know when a bandit may ambush you. As far as you're concerned, he may already be close by and watching after your every movement right now." I grin at her.

The woman mistook my sarcasm and face expression as a potential threat. She freaks out in an instant.

"Are you a bandit!? Is that why you're half-naked!?" She screams and starts splashing water at me. "I won't let you take advantage of me! Stay away, you pervert!!!"

"Well I'd never! This is just a misunderstanding! Do I look like that sort of person to you!?"I quickly turn around and sit on the pebbles, waiting for her to ease down. I can still feel the water splashing cold against my back for a while until she finally calms down.

"You still haven't answered my question, woman." I cross my arms, still exposing my brawny back on her. "What's your business here?"

"... As you can see, I'm just here to bath..."

She is trying to avoid the question, and it really ticks me off. So, I turn my head around and scorn at her.

"Well, duh! Don't play me for a fool. Tell me the real reason why you had to go all the way here just to take a bath!"

She gives me a sullen look on her face and also crosses her arms, but I must say that she looks cute when she's angry.

"What does it matter to you, anyway? I mean, we just met..."


She's got me there. I don't know what came over me, but I was unnecessarily worried about her. Why does her well-being even matter to me in the first place? In fact, How can someone like me who has taken countless of lives just for the sake of living even feel this way? I must shake off this feeling because having an attachment is only a hindrance my mission.

"You know what, You're right. I shouldn't have bothered." I get up on my feet and walk away. "So long, woman!" 

"Wait! Aren't you also here to bath under the waterfall?"

I stop, turn around, and cock an eyebrow. "What? Are you saying that you don't mind if I join you?"

"Sure..." she nods hesitantly.

I feel fortunate that she has accepted me. At the same time, I am also curious about how she really feels toward me.

"Heh, what makes you decide to trust me now? A while ago you were quick to suspect me a bandit."

The Demon & Assassin ( Fairy Tail, Miraxus )Where stories live. Discover now