Part 26

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Danielle was just driving along, listening to her playlists on her spotfiy. When she gets an incoming call from her ex. All she could do was stare shockly at the phone call coming though her phone. 'He hasn't spoken to me since we broke up. Why the hell would he try to start now?' Danielle's thought process was just overwhelming right now, with all these questions, theories, going though her head. 'Why? Why now? Why did he have to choose this moment, where I'm content and happy? When I'm just starting to learn not to cry, scream and beg God to bring him back.' I shouldn't answer. He doesn't deserve that. He doesn't get that right and pick up the phone and act if everything was going to be okay, but part of me knows I should. Danielle runs her fingers though her hair, in frustation. She picks up the phone, only to answer saying, "what?" as soon as she does she hears the familiar voice, "we need to talk. There are things that were left unsaid, I'm not the person you use to know. I changed." Danielle just shakes her head, knowing he said this before, so what's the difference now. Now against her better judgement, she says, "when?" "Tomorrow 7:00 after I get off work?" the voice says. Danielle just says, "Okay and goodbye." The phone drops to the floorboard and she parks the car on the side of the road and let's out a loud, good scream.

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