Part 35

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Marie woke up thirty minutes later, and she looked around at her apartment. It was very quiet when it's just her in the house. 'Why didn't I stop her from walking out the door? Why can't I do what I want for once in my life? Why? Because I love her more then anything in this world and I will do anything to see the most beautiful girl happy. She is my whole life. That's why, but I just wish I can have her in my arms and never let her go.' Marie thought, while slipping down under the covers.

Danielles POV:
Danielle got to her mom's house an hour after she left Marie's apartment and decided to take a nap since nobody was home at the time.

Fifteen minutes later and Danielle is woken up by her sister yelling through the house for something. "Nicole, why are you yelling?" Danielle said, sleeply. "Wait, I thought you were staying at Marie's apartment now?" Nicole said surprised to see her sister. "I still am, but um... We just needed some space for a little while away from each other." Danielle said. "Are you sure Thats the whole story?" "I'm positive." Danielle goes back in her room and shuts the door. She throws herself on the bed with Ed Sheern and Sam Smith on her playlist. Danielle just lays back and daydreams till she falls asleep again.

Marie's POV:
Still laying on the couch, and haven't moved all day. Marie is thinking about how she screwed up big time and honestly, does not know if she can fix it this time.
*Knock Knock*
"Who is it?" Marie said, sitting up.
"Edward, you gonna let me in?"
"It's open, come in." Marie said, sliding back down.
Edward opens the door and finds Marie under the covers. "What's wrong Smiley?" Marie lifts her head up and shows a sly smile. "Danielle left today." "Yeah, she texted me earlier. You alright?" Edward said, sliding next to her. "Honestly, no I feel like apart of me is gone." Marie starts sobbing. "Listen, she just needs time. Just like you do. You need to recover from what happened. She will come back when it's the right time. Trust me." Edward said tickling her. Marie says, "I failed her. How could I ever do that?" "I think she feels like she failed you." "What makes you say that?" "She told me the night she took you to the hospital." Edward said looking down. "She didn't fail me. I fail myself and her." Marie said while sobbing more. Edward just takes Marie and hugs her tightly and says, "Everything will be okay. I'll make sure of it."

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