Part 11

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The alarm woke Marie up around 6:00 that morning and when she turn over she saw Danielle just staring at her with that beautiful smile of hers. "Goodmorning Beautiful, sleep well?" Danielle kissed her cheek. "I slept pretty good, what about you Princess?" Marie said kissing her forehead. "Better then ever because you were beside me." Danielle smiled and for the first time Marie saw a real smile appear across her face since she met her. "You better get ready for school baby because I'm gonna get you some breakfest this morning." Marie said smiling.

Five mintues later...

"I'm ready." Danielle came in all hyper like. Which Marie loves so much. "Alright, well what you want for breakfest?" "Crackle Barrell?" Danielle said. "Okay, and whats your first period?" "Rotc, why?" "Well, you might be a little late because I have a surprise for you. So, how will you feel about being blind folded? Marie saided with a smile. "Wouldn't have a problem with it."

Thirty mintues later after Marie took Danielle to Crackle Barrell for breakfest. She blindfolded Danielle for her surprise. "Marie, babe where you taking me?" Danielle said pouting. "You will see, princess and I promise you will love it." Marie said.

Marie led Danielle still blindfolded to a beautiful river side picnic layered with her favorite beautiful flowers, roses and played with all of her favorite music.

Marie said, "You can take the blindfold off babe." When Danielle took it off she was speechless and crying while saying, "Marie, you did this? For me?" "Yes, princess. I figured you deserved a beautiful,  relaxful day away from the world." "Baby, I love it and I love you. Thank you." Danielle said crying.

After they ate their little picnic Marie was holding her in her arms when she turned Danielle to face her and said, "I have one more surprise for you." "Really? You don't have to." "To late princess." Marie took out a box and said,  "Danielle,  I promise I will love you forever and be good to you because you deserve it. So, Danielle will you take this promise ring and I will show you that somebody loves you for all of you." Danielle had tears steaming down her face and said, "Marie... I...

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